While we’re all waiting for the first wave of Ultimate figures, Super7 now has their next wave of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ReAction figures available for pre-order. The ReAction line is a series of 3.75” figures with five points of articulation that represent the classic MMPR figures you may have gotten in the 90s.
Wave 3 will be available for pre-order and is expected to ship out by late April 2022. Each figure will be priced at $18 at retail. Check out all of the figures below and see if you want to buy any of them.
Goldar’s Best Friend
Coming through as a bag of bones, Rito Revolto is joining the ReAction line! One of the first figures for Rito since the 90s, this is definitely worth a look at!
Official Product Information:
“When Rito Rivolto destroys the Thunderzords, it’s obvious that Rita Repulsa’s younger brother is not content to live in her shadow. This 3.75” scale articulated Mighty Morphin Power Ranger ReAction figure of Rito Revolto features his half-bone, half-camouflage color scheme and comes with bone sword and blaster accessories. Rito Rivolto might have been a much bigger problem for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers if he hadn’t been so forgetful, but we know YOU won’t forget to add the Rito Revolto ReAction figure to your collection!”
Price: $18
Preorder Here: Super7 / Entertainment Earth / Big Bad Toy Store
It’s Time For Molecular Transmutation!
Flying in on his Radbug, the MMPR Blue Ranger is joining the ReAction line! (This doesn’t actually include the Radbug, but it’ll do!)
Official Product Information:
“A teenager with attitude and intelligence, Billy Cranston and his many scientific inventions saved the day countless times for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. This 3.75” scale articulated Mighty Morphin Power Ranger ReAction figure of the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger comes with Blade Blaster and Power Staff accessories, and looks ready to do battle with any evil minion that threatens Angel Grove! We know that you’ll be blue if you don’t make the smart move and add the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger ReAction figure to your collection!”
Price: $18
Preorder Here: Super7 / Entertainment Earth / Big Bad Toy Store
Did We Do Something Wrong?
Brewing some potions, Baboo is joining the ReAction line! Doesn’t have any accessories, but it’s still a figure Hasbro hasn’t touched yet.
Official Product Information:
“Clever for a dimwit, Baboo at least has the intelligence to avoid direct confrontation with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers by helping Rita Repulsa behind the scenes. This 3.75” scale articulated Mighty Morphin Power Ranger ReAction figure of Baboo features intricate sculpting that highlights his odd part-bat, part-monkey, slightly steampunk aesthetic. While he may often be confused, what’s not confusing is how perfectly the ReAction figure of Baboo would fit in your menagerie of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers villains!”
Price: $18
Preorder Here: Super7 / Entertainment Earth / Big Bad Toy Store
I Think I Don’t Know What I Think
Spying on you from behind a tree, Squatt is joining the ReAction line! This figure is just as adorable as how Squatt was as a baby so this is definitely worth picking up!
Official Product Information:
“Excitable, cowardly, and not terribly bright, Squatt is perfectly suited to cheer on Rita Repulsa, rather than join her, as she battles the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. This 3.75” scale articulated Mighty Morphin Power Ranger ReAction figure of Squatt highlights his warthog-meets-blueberry hobgoblin-like aesthetic, and comes with his blunderbuss accessory. He may not be in a hurry to actually fight, but we know you’ll be quick to add the ReAction figure of Squatt to your menagerie of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers villains!”
Price: $18
Preorder Here: Super7 / Entertainment Earth / Big Bad Toy Store
Fighting Mode!
Powered up and ready for action, the Dragonzord Battle Mode is joining the ReAction line! We recently got this figure revealed for the Retro Megazord line and the ZAP line from Hasbro, but this figure still deserves a place on your team!
Official Product Information:
“Dragonzord Battle Mode can take out monsters that even the Megazord struggles with! This supersized 6” articulated Mighty Morphin Power Ranger ReAction figure of Dragonzord Battle Mode features intricate detail that highlights the awesome power of this mighty Zord, and comes with its Dragon Lance accessory. Everyone needs the Dragonzord Battle Mode ReAction figure to keep their collection safe from the evil plans of Rita Repulsa and her minions!“
Price: $24
Preorder Here: Super7 / Entertainment Earth / Big Bad Toy Store