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Yale’s Diary, Chapter 15:
“I have a zord now.
I will use it to hunt down evil as if it is a little red dot that is devoid of mass and volume.”
The Cover
Taken straight from the Mighty Morphin #15 review:
“As cool as it is to finally see the Omega Megazord (or whatever it’s called), it’s not as groundbreaking as I thought it would be. And the image of Zordon vs. Zedd just has more impact.)”
Mighty Morphin – 8
Power Rangers – 7
The Story
Ranger Station is on the air and recording the White Tiger Dragonzord as it finally destroys the Orange Empyreal. As Tommy and Matt apologize to each other about their petty behavior these past few issues, something rises from the Empyreal’s remains.
On the moon, Zartus is about to get his hands on the Zeo Crystal when Zordon blasts him. After Zartus offers Zedd a partnership with him, Zordon attempts one last thing to convince Zedd of his innocence. Zordon lays down his weapon and tells Zedd to strike him down. Zedd finally puts two and two together and both Zedd and Zordon work together to try and fight Zartus.
In space, the Purple Empyreal hears about what happens to the Orange Empyreal. Realizing that they might be losing, the Purple Empyreal disables the Omega Zords and goes down to Earth to help the Green Empyreal fight the Thunder Megazord. Luckily, the being that rose from the Orange Empyreal was the Blue Emissary. Using his power, he restores the Omega Zords and helps them form a new combination.
Together with the other Megazords, the Rangers defeat the Green Empyreal. However, there’s a twist. The Purple Empyreal, the last one, absorbs the energy of his fallen brothers into himself, upgrading him to the max. Just as even more bad news comes to Earth…
“Honey… it’s raining space vampires… Yeah, you called it.”
Ending Thoughts
We’re presumably going to be ending this soon with the next issue for both series, but this is a good issue. Like Mighty Morphin #15, this is another all-out action-packed issue. Though, I actually like this issue a bit more because we got past the whole misunderstanding with Zedd. Zordon and Zedd working together, bouncing off each other’s strategies to fight Zartus, was cool and entertaining.
Though, I will say the moment when Zordon surrenders himself to Zedd isn’t that impactful to me. Remember, this is supposed to be part of a larger story and we already had a moment like this with Zack and Arkon in Power Rangers #9. And, that moment was better, being this emotional moment for Arkon seeing how pointless violence is for his people and Zack finding a solution to make things right for random strangers when feeling slightly responsible for his previous actions against their ruler. When you juxtapose that moment with Zordon trying to convince his old role model that he’s innocent, it doesn’t feel as important. Sure, the stakes are larger, but overall, even the large amount of backstory we’ve seen doesn’t make it any more satisfying.
And, one more thing that’s worth noting. The twist ending of the Horrid appearing on Earth. While on paper it’s a cool way to tie in the first few issues of Power Rangers, it feels completely random. Regardless of why they’re here in the story, this was not at all foreshadowed. This is a shame because there are so many elements that have been expertly weaved into the story while this main element, showing up in the penultimate issues, completely sticks out. There’s a comparison that can be made with how the Solar Rangers appeared at the end of Necessary Evil, but at least that made sense with Ranger Slayer’s return and the discovery of the Arch. I’ll wait to see how the last two issues play out, but this was from out of nowhere.
While there are some pieces that don’t fit as well as they should, Power Rangers #15 still delivers some cool Megazord action before the big two-part finale in February.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Omega Ultrazord… sure, ok. It looks kind how you expect it to look like.
- You have no idea how much the coloring mistake for the Thunder Megazord bothered me the whole time I was reading.