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Xi’s Log, The Spectrum II, Stardate 2021.9:
“We are nearing the location Trini received from the Yellow Emissary, but I’m not picking up anything in this location. It’s a completely empty quadrant of space. I’m going to run an orbital swe-.
Oh my emissary! We forgot Yale! He’s back at Safehaven right now. We are terrible people!”
The Cover

Taken straight from the Mighty Morphin #11 review:
“Honestly don’t care that much about either cover here. I like the style of PR’s cover more because of its detailing, shading, and sharp line work, but the actual content of it is a bit generic. I’m not a fan of MMPR’s realistic 3D-ish style (you can see the weirdness in Zelya especially), but the content of it is more useful to the story and will draw more readers in.
It’s close again, but I’ll give to Mighty Morphin #11.”
Mighty Morphin – 5
Power Rangers – 6
The Story
As it was mentioned in the preface, the Omega Rangers arrive at what seems to be an empty area of space. However, with her connection to the Yellow Emissary, Trini is able to sense a planet below their ship. Trini teleports both herself and the other Rangers to the planet’s surface. There, they are attacked by the Yellow Emissary who refuses to help them out, saying that their actions will somehow cause a universal cataclysm.
The Yellow Emissary explains more to the Rangers about the Empyreals and, more importantly, tells the Rangers about Zartus’s involvement in all of this. Through some sort of ancient crystal, when an Emissary dies, an Empyreal is born and that Empyreal appears before Zartus, ready to serve him. In order to defeat the Empyreals, the Yellow Emissary tells the Rangers that they need to defeat Zartus first. However, he also reveals that once all three Empyreals are summoned, Zartus will have the power to reshape the entire universe which was why the Yellow Emissary didn’t want the Rangers to find him…
And, as it turns out, Drakkon is a traitorous son of a Rita. With a tool he acquired from Fendrick back in Power Rangers #6, Drakkon frees himself from his captivity collar and calls the Empyreals to his location. In exchange, the Empyreals restore his Morpher…
While Xi fends off Drakkon’s attack on the ship, the Empyreals soon attack the Emissary and the Rangers on the planet. Due to the unique nature of the planet, the Rangers can’t call their Zords and are outmatched. And soon, the Emissary’s prediction is proven to be correct…

Ending Thoughts
So, Lord Drakkon’s back. To no one’s surprise.
We all knew it was coming. The most recognizable villain of the entire PR comic universe from Boom! Studios with the face and powers of the most recognizable Power Ranger of all time. Yeah, it was inevitable. But, the question was “how would it happen?”. And, you know what? His re-introduction was pretty good. It gave us a little more insight into Lord Drakkon, waiting until the perfect moment to strike and trying to sow the seeds of conflict like the cunning villain he was presented in the beginning. Potentially, he was playing both sides all in an effort to get back his Morpher. And, even though we don’t have an explanation yet for his new morphed appearance, it blends into the art quite well, giving him in every appearance a sinister vibe.
In addition, this issue’s great for the character moments for both the Yellow Emissary and Xi. Drakkon’s taunting words to Xi give some more possible insight into his character, how he wants to be a hero like the Rangers, but can’t. As for the Yellow Emissary, like the Red Emissary, we don’t get too much insight into his character, but his brief moments of helping the Rangers, even when he knows his time’s up, says all that we need to know. The Yellow Emissary accepted his fate but did try to give the Rangers as much as they needed to understand the situation and potentially win.
Power Rangers #11 is a great issue connecting the dots even more with Mighty Morphin while reincarnating two powerful monsters…
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- I mean, I kinda get why Drakkon had to do that mouth trick that escape artists use, but I have a few questions. It’s been like a couple of weeks probably since Mighty Morphin #6. How long was he keeping that in his throat? He clearly has pouches and I would not want to touch him. Also, wait, when did he learn that trick? Don’t forget, he was just a regular teenager before becoming a Ranger.
- Still got to wait to judge Zartus’s plans a bit more. I know why the crystal was important, but how did he know to hold on to it? Again, I got to see more of the 4D chess that is on play here.
- Also, I get why Drakkon was helping for so long. To use the Rangers to find the Yellow Emissary, but don’t forget. He landed at the Mighty Morphin’ team first. Not the Omega Rangers. Is he playing 4D chess too to know that the Omega Rangers would come back to Earth and break him out? (And I won’t even mention the mess I pointed out with the Onyx Tavern before.) And, don’t forget. There’s still something he told Grace about that we haven’t learned yet.
- I did see a theory that the red and black shading on Lord Drakkon’s costume is potentially a link to Dark Specter. I mean, it would help tie that one shot closer with what’s going on in this series.
- Also, kinda do have to wonder whether or not the Empyreals have memories of their Emissary counterparts. Otherwise, how did they not know about this place?
- The Blue Emissary went out the best out of the other Emissaries, chilling out from a stab wound on a roof overlooking the city. The other Emissaries literally were just ripped in half.
- Also, just something to note, the Blue Emissary’s final form was MMPR Blue. Yellow Emissary and Red Emissary’s final forms were a mixture of MMPR with a Ranger from the future (Time Force) and a Ranger representing the potential for the present (Omega Rangers).