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For some reason, if there is anyone out there who’s only been reading Mighty Morphin’ and not Power Rangers, here is something you should know going into this.
Zartus is a jerk.
The Cover

Both images are pretty great.
Zedd’s cover is a bit generic, but still, seeing the concept of the whole world in his hands conveys the kind of power he wields. And, the 3D-ish style looks great for Lord Zedd, getting a lot of details on his body and making him look menacing.
The Power Rangers cover’s concept has great lighting with the sunset. The concept of the cover is unique, with Jason threatening to push Drakkon off. It paints the picture of what might happen in the story, Drakkon doing something so awful that Jason threatens to kill him. (Plus, out of context, it can be used for meme purposes and that’s always good.)
It’s close again, but I’m giving the win to the Mighty Morphin’ cover just because the image itself, on its own with no context, is a great one.
The Story
Back in Flashback Land, Zartus is doing something shady. In secret, Zartus asks one of the cloaked figures of the Zeo Crystal to perform an unbreakable protection spell on the crystal called the Fire of Truth. Once the spell is complete, Zartus looks all sinister-like as he thanks the figure for a job well done.
Back in the present, since everything’s back to normal in Angel Grove, Matt’s getting a bunch of perks for his public Ranger status. Homework extensions, dogs fawning over him. It’s sickening.

But, putting this here shamelessly because I want those clicks.
After all 7 Rangers take care of a disguised Z-Putty at the Park, Zordon transports everyone except Billy back to the Command Center. There, he tells the Rangers about Billy’s secret job with Promethea and decides to restrict Billy’s access to the Command Center. Although a bit shocked, the Rangers try to defend Billy’s actions. As Zordon says the bond between Billy and himself is now impossible to repair, Zartus transports into the Command Center.
Zartus, along with other Eltar Guardians, have arrived to rescue Zelya from Lord Zedd’s grasp. Soon, we cut to Lord Zedd telling Zelya that she is free to go after she listens to his story about the truth of Eltar…
*insert Mighty Morphin #10 synopsis here*
Ending Thoughts
Fairly standard beginning for a brand new arc. Not much can be said.
The conflict between the Green Ranger and the other Power Rangers feels a little mixed. When the story highlights the differences between the two groups, how being public can seem better than having a secret identity, it’s interesting seeing how they can solve conflicts together. However, when it just focuses on the rivalry between Matt and Tommy, personally, that’s where it doesn’t feel as compelling as it should. The relationship between the two of them needs to be more fleshed out before I can enjoy them butting heads all the time.
Other than that, the significance of the Flashback Land sequence is pretty weak on its own. It’s good lore for MMPR, but otherwise, there’s not a lot of significance in-story as of now. The action sequence seems standard for the series but intentional. The entire scene at the Command Center is personally the highlight of the issue. It’s great to see the fallout of Billy’s secret and everyone learning about it and figuring out what to do. Plus, with us knowing of Zartus’s scumbag status from Power Rangers #8, the friendship between him and Zordon comes off as both entertaining with their great dialogue and heartbreaking from the anticipation of waiting for Zordon to find out his dark secret.
With the artwork as phenomenal as always, Mighty Morphin #9 is a standard but good start to this arc where we’ll finally learn about Eltar’s secrets.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- The classroom scene here made me realize that we missed an opportunity with the Monster Grove arc to see the monsters in the school. Like can you imagine, Goldar teaching gym? Finster teaching art?
- Also, that end bit of the classroom scene where Adam was considering spilling the secret was good, but I think that would’ve worked better if Rocky was the one doing that.
- I’m still not sure what it is, but even though I’m ok with the Matt stuff so far, Matt is annoying me a little. Again, I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the fact that he openly tried to tell the teacher in front of the class about how he gets to be excused from work instead of after class?
- Wait, students have to write about what they were doing when the shield was created? What if someone’s answer was just them on the toilet.
- I didn’t mention it above, but the scene with Zelya and Squatt is actually pretty funny.
- Sorry, we ain’t getting Puppy Rangers. Meower Rangers is all we can take at the moment.
- Aisha gave Billy the benefit of the doubt… for a month. Remember that.
- “Aisha Taylor”… Honest mistake from the writer, but given what we now know about Zartus, I don’t think he cared enough about switching names…? Just saying…