As per tradition, Hasbro’s latest PR-centric Fan First Friday livestream has officially revealed a whole mess of new PR-related toys and merch coming soon.
(Oh, and a Tiger Electronics MMPR Game release and a Lightning Collection Dragon Dagger rerelease.)

In addition, the Hasbro team reminded us all that Power Month is coming in August and that new product reveals will happen every week! Not to mention that Hasbro Pulse Con later this year will also have a Power Rangers presence. Better save up those wallets!
White Ranger Car
For those of you who like cars, Jada Toys is continuing its line of MMPR-themed cars. This time, they’re releasing a White Ranger-themed Honda NSX Type-R Japan Spec Die-cast Car that also comes with a 2.75 inch White Ranger figure.
Official Product Description:
“The paintjob of this 1:24 scale 2002 Honda NSX Type-R Japan Spec has been inspired by the White Ranger. Crafted from durable materials such as 100% die – cast metal and premium rubber tires. Our high – end casting method allows for feature rich details, such as opening hood, doors, and trunk This premium die – cast model is a must have for any Power Rangers collection.”
Price: $25
Release Date: Fall 2021

Power Ranger Reeboks
Revealed earlier this week, Reebok is partnering with Hasbro to create some Power Rangers-themed shoes based on the core MMPR team. The best part of it is that each pair of sneakers has packaging that when put together forms the Megazord. These are collector shoes so make sure to get your correct size the first time.
Preorder Now: Reebok
Lightning Collection Reveals
We now have the newest figures to hit the Lightning Collection, Wave 10 and Eye Guy! Wave 10 includes the Zeo Yellow Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Pink Space Ranger, and Dino Charge Green Ranger.
Zeo Ranger II Yellow:
She can sing, she can throw a baseball, and she can morph into action. Tanya Sloan, Zeo Ranger II Yellow, enters the Lightning Collection! For longtime collectors of the Lightning Collection, you can now finish the Zeo Rangers or continue building the ‘Beyond the Grid’ team. Or, you can still just pick up a figure for a pretty awesome female Ranger.
Preorder Links (Dates subject to change):
Gamestop (9/1/2021)
Hasbro Pulse (1/1/2022)
Amazon (4/1/2022)
Phantom Ranger:
Boo. Recently starring in Power Rangers Unlimited: Edge of Darkness, the Phantom Ranger enters the Lightning Collection! This figure can’t turn invisible, but you can have him interact with Zordon’s figure and he’ll be perfect next to Cassie Chan, also appearing in this wave.
Preorder Links (Dates subject to change):
Gamestop (9/1/2021)
Hasbro Pulse (1/1/2022)
Amazon (4/1/2022)
Pink Space Ranger:
From singing on a bus to surfing on a Galactabeast, Cassie Chan, the Pink Space Ranger, enters the Lightning Collection! Completing the core Space Rangers, this figure can be used in battle against Psycho Pink or be part of the Legends that appeared in Super Megaforce.
Preorder Links (Dates subject to change):
Gamestop (9/1/2021)
Hasbro Pulse (1/1/2022)
Amazon (4/1/2022)
Dino Charge Green Ranger:
A puzzle-solving swordsman, Riley Griffin, the Dino Charge Green Ranger, enters the Lightning Collection! As another addition to the Dino Charge team, this figure can be posed to team up with others members from the Ranger army featured in Grid Connection to fight some of Evox’s forces like the reanimated Putty Patrollers. Or just having Riley next to your LC Chase Randall figure could also work too…
Preorder Links (Dates subject to change):
Gamestop (9/1/2021)
Hasbro Pulse (1/1/2022)
Amazon (4/1/2022)
Eye Guy:
From the classic MMPR episode that tried to use what people in the 90s thought was virtual reality, Eye Guy enters the Lightning Collection! When you put this figure on your shelf, I’m sure you won’t even notice every single eye moving when you least expect it…
Preorder Links (Dates subject to change):
Gamestop (10/1/2021)
Hasbro Pulse (1/1/2022)
Amazon (4/1/2022)
Lightning Collection Yellow Zeo Ranger Figure IV Lightning Collection Phantom Ranger Figure II Lightning Collection Pink Space Ranger III Lightning Collection Green Dino Charge Ranger Figure II Lightning Collection Eye Guy Figure I
Dino Fury Reveals
Hasbro’s team showed off a lot of the Dino Fury toys coming soon. Although none of these products are available for pre-order yet, be sure to be on the lookout!
The core Dino Fury Zords will be available at all major retailers and will release in the late summer / early fall in three separate packs. (One for the T-Rex Champion Zord, one for the Tricera Blade and Stego Spike Zords, and one for the Tiger Claw and Ankylo Hammer Zords.)
We also got a look at early prototypes for a Spring 2022 Wave of Zords that will include the Mosa Razor Zord and the Ptera Freeze Zord and a rerelease of the T-Rex Champion Zord.
The Fall Wave of Dino Fury figures was also shown off, including the Dino Fury Gold Ranger and Void Knight. Also, releasing this fall is an Amazon-exclusive Dino Fury Team Pack that will include the first 5 Dino Fury Rangers with their Chromafury Sabers and a Battle Buckle that can be used to store Dino Fury Keys. At this time, there is no word on whether Dino Fury Green or Dino Fury Black figures will release individually.

The last product shown off was the Chromafury Saber, also releasing this fall, which scans any color through the hilt to show off cool colors and use different sounds. (And yes, the Saber can open its mouth to put in Dino Fury Keys, but presumably doesn’t unlock any sounds.)
All in all, even though these toys didn’t come out when the show started in the Spring, all of these toys sound like they’ll have fun with kids and that’s really all that matters. Personally, I’m planning on picking up all of the toys featured here and that rarely happens so Hasbro is doing good as of now in my eyes.
What’s Next?
Oh my goodness, what could this be? If you aren’t sure what it could be, maybe go on a quest and find Ninjor and he can tell you.