(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
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…Why has Boom! Studios been doing so many “First Looks” for their PR comics? I just realized that. It’s a weird feeling seeing PR products get proper advertisement.
The Cover

The Power Rangers cover is good, has a cool action pose from Zack and some bright coloring, but it feels like a generic cover. With the Mighty Morphin’ cover, you get the feeling that something big is about to happen. Plus Zedd’s buttcheeks tho.
The Story
Flashback Land takes us back to 10 thousand years ago where the Guardians of Eltar enter their Palace on the moon where they find a society of beings that can only speak in colors. As they attempt to communicate, Zordon realizes what the deal is. They have a piece of the fabled Zeo Crystal…
Back in the present, Rocky, Adam, and Kim surrender themselves to Goldar while Zelya, Tommy, and Aisha escape the battle and do a little undercover recon of the city. And it turns out everything seems fine. All of the Putties and Monsters are repairing Angel Grove, keeping crime in order and people seem happy about it. Even Grace and Matt at Promethea are satisfied with the results Zedd has been giving.
Meanwhile, at the Command Center, as Billy is working around the clock to penetrate the shield, they receive a transmission from an old friend, Zartus. Zartus explains to Zordon why he didn’t tell them about Zelya’s supervision on Earth. As it turns out, Zartus’s forces are being wiped out by the Empyreals and he wants to bring Earth into their alliance so that he can get the Power Rangers’ help. Zartus even offers Zordon a chance to come home once they deal with Lord Zedd.
Back in the dome, while Aisha offers a distraction, Zelya recharges the Tigerzord. As Tommy moves it to destroy the energy pillar, two giant-sized Putties disguised as buildings try to stop Tommy from interfering. As Rocky, Adam, and Kim watch the fight from Promethea, Lord Zedd arrives and tells them of his deal with Grace…

Ending Thoughts
Like the last issue, I’m genuinely smiling through the whole issue.
There are a lot of elements in this issue that work. It doesn’t introduce a lot of new elements, but it adds to a lot of the continuity and storylines the series has been slowly building for a while now. From the small moments of Candice finding Bulk and Skull and Billy starting to tell Zordon about his secrets to the big reveal of Lord Zedd’s selling pitch to Angel Grove. Whether Grace working with Zedd turns out to be part of a mind control thing or some kind of deception, it is keeping the reader super involved in thinking whether or not Grace’s relationship with Zordon is that tense that she’s willing to sell him out.
Speaking of Zordon, the conversation between Zordon and Zartus is a moment in particular that I find more interesting than I would have thought. For starters, it connects to the “Power Rangers” series with the Empyreal mention, showing more how these two series are affecting each other. And, because we have seen the actual flashbacks of the two of them together as friends before this moment, we can emphasize more with the moment of seeing them reunited.
Oh, and Matt was in this comic too.
A lot of the imagery in this issue is memorable and unique. The opening flashback of aliens speaking in colors only, the panels of seeing all of the monsters trying to help out the citizens of Angel Grove, the buildings suddenly becoming alive and attacking. And again, the bright and colorful artwork does such a great job of keeping this energetic. This issue is starting to reach the fun creativity I’ve been seeing in the “Power Rangers” series and I sincerely hope it keeps up the momentum.
With fun concepts and small character moments for everyone, Mighty Morphin #7 takes us back into Angel Grove, an average city seemingly turned into a paradise filled with monsters.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Those dudes in the purple hoods, in the beginning, are supposed to be the same ones from the TV show when the Zeo Crystal was first shown off, in case you didn’t know.
- Ha. Repulsa and Lokar St. That’s fun. Is the Juice Bar now known as the Pumpkin Rapper Bar? I bet Ernie’s in there right now doing the limbo.
- Fighting Flea vs Fleasco. Who would win?
- Was honestly waiting for someone to come out and be like, “Those Putties are stealing our jobs!”
- So, the thing about Angel Grove you gotta remember is that because no one knows what was happening inside the dome, that means there were no phone signals, no TV signals, no Internet, no social media. Those last two parts are what I’m skeptical about everyone being fine with.
- As someone who has to deal with a lot of traffic problems, I can totally get behind everyone being like, “Screw the Power Rangers, man! Their Zords are blocking my way to work!”
- Also, you gotta take a second to think about how big the Tigerzord is shown in that first panel. From head to toe, it only covers one full intersection? Doesn’t that feel weird or is it just me?
- Also, small error. Tommy had the Dragon Coin when morphing. Guess even Tommy got confused by him still wearing green.
- Hallelujah! Saba finally talks!
- I hate to say it, but Zedd’s whole plan so far reminds me of that time the Decepticons made a beachfront resort for humans. Look it up if you don’t believe me.
- If Grace is doing this plan seriously, then I can already find a flaw with her deal with Zedd. He says he will never set foot on Earth again, but he didn’t say he won’t send his gigantic army of monsters to Earth. So, yeah…