(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
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I have practically nothing to say for this intro other than the fact that it feels like it’s been forever since we have returned to Mighty Morphin’s story.
Again, Mighty Morphin #5 was essentially just a recap issue from a different perspective and it contributed practically nothing we couldn’t have already guessed. And then there was Power Rangers #5 and Power Rangers: Heir to Darkness where fans are just so involved in the drama of Astronema’s character and what it means for world-building. Mighty Morphin has been a slow burn that we are just waiting for the big turnaround.
Anyway, let’s get started.
The Cover

Gee, what am I gonna think is better? The generic cover of Power Rangers falling from the sky as we’ve seen already or the great cover of our Princess of Evil on Onyx ready to slice and dice you.
The Story
Flashback Land takes us back to 10 thousand years ago where Zordon and Zartus are fighting off a squad of Hartunians. After the fight, Zordon talks to Zartus about him being promoted to Chief Guardian. Although Zartus is upset about the decision, he tells Zordon that he will fight by his side. Suddenly, both of them find something that looks an awful lot like the Moon Palace…
Back in the present, it’s actually been about a month since Zedd put up the green dome and both the military and the Power Rangers are still struggling to figure out a way to enter Angel Grove. The commanding officer, General Nolan, informs Zordon and the Rangers that the President is now considering using nukes to take care of Zedd. The Rangers now have 36 hours to figure out a solution of stopping Zedd themselves before Angel Grove is nuked out of existence.
While Zordon and Zelya bond a little over what Eltar is like now, tensions begin to rise even more within the group with Rocky missing his family, everyone panicking over what Zedd must be doing inside the dome, and even Tommy accusing Kim of knowing Matt was the new Green Ranger.
Suddenly, the Command Center picks up a message from Grace, who informs them that they can disrupt the dome just long enough for the Rangers to enter inside. While wary that it might be a trap, Billy stays behind at the Command Center to help take down the shield while the others morph into action. Even Zelya gets to join the action in her Guardian of Eltar armor.
However, as they enter Angel Grove, the Rangers quickly realize that something’s wrong when they meet the welcoming party…

Ending Thoughts
So, after a long wait… Yeah, this issue’s pretty great.
It was unexpected of the series to do a little time jump, but it’s fitting given both the flashback issue in Issue #5 and the real-world time frame of having other comic releases in the meantime. The time jump takes full advantage of it with the military involvement as well as the stress and tension eating away at the Rangers. You can see just how much it’s affecting everyone with Rocky becoming increasingly desperate and Tommy straight-up losing his Boyfriend of the Year status accusing Kim of keeping a secret from him.
Everything in this issue works just fine. The flashback with Zordon seems to be going in a more serialized route with the introduction of the Moon Palace. The brief moment where Zelya and Zordon bond with each other balances the issue’s dark mood with some levity and adds a little more insight into why Zelya is here in the first place. The issue’s cliffhanger seems to be using what was initially a weak point in Mighty Morphin #3, Adam being turned against the Rangers, and takes full advantage of it, creating a more cohesive story as a result.
With the bright and energetic art balancing out the story’s drama, Mighty Morphin #6 feels like the surprising start of a potentially great story arc for Mighty Morphin.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- I wouldn’t be surprised if that Moon Palace is the same one that shows up on our moon. Pretty sure there was legit an MMPR episode where the Moon Palace went down to Earth.
- Gotta say, the usual plotline of the President ordering a nuke strike on an American city just because it’s occupied by aliens is something I’ve seen before with these kinds of stories, but it’s done better here because I’ve usually seen this done when the military can interfere themselves… and it’s only been like a day or two. We all remember the first Avengers though…
- Also, I’m wondering how much the Rangers spilled the beans to the US government. Because, from what General Nolan says, it’s easy to get the idea that the Rangers are humans based on the dialogue. But, how did they figure out they are high schoolers? This ain’t WandaVision. They can’t get a headcount from an old TV.
- “I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m not just going to let them blow up my family.” Is that an insult? That feels like an insult.
- Kim saying that their makeshift bedroom still smells like Drakkon. Girl, if you can smell the desperation, the hair gel, and the garbage, yep, that’s him.
- Honestly, Kim, you are all in bunk beds. These are basic summer camp rules. Do not touch anything on other people’s beds. Jeez! (Also, this clearly shows how much this group still needs to talk to each other if Kim didn’t even know that he had a sister.)
- The moment when Billy asks Zelya about her infiltration was the only moment I was like “That should’ve happened earlier.”
- Evot sticks sound super delicious by the way. When can I get one?
- Everything that Zelya said about Eltar sounds interesting, but the fact that they have floating continents is the detail I need to move there immediately.
- With the exception of MMPR Pink, this is literally the first mention of Tor we have ever gotten in this universe. Tommy, none of this would’ve happened if you just used him in the first place!
- Will give Aisha props that she apparently kept Billy’s secret for about a month. With how she’s portrayed, I would’ve given it a day or two at most.
- I’m finding it a bit funny that I think this will be a good original arc even though I know this is most likely just the BOOM version of Green with Evil!