(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com
It’s a new day for apocalyptic Angel Grove. Anti-Kim’s the new ruler of Angel Grove, Rita’s gone, Drakkon’s gone. What could go wrong now?
The Cover

It’s the generic movie-type poster, but at least, it gives a variety of elements for all of the characters, including Ranger Slayer. Plus, I appreciate the composition of having the bright pink color in the center with all other elements muted so it gives more attention to Ranger Slayer.
The Story
Anti-Kim’s the new ruler of Angel Grove, but this new transition isn’t going so well. Sentries and Coinless are still at odds with each other, with one of the Coinless attempting to assassinate Anti-Kim. Deciding on what to do, Anti-Kim learns about the Deadlock, a prison Drakkon created guarded by robotic Sentries. To prove herself, Anti-Kim leads a troop of soldiers to the Deadlock to destroy the prison and free any good guys trapped inside.
During the raid, Anti-Kim falls into a hallway to a secret chamber that Drakkon himself made. Inside the chamber is a single Ranger chained up. When Anti-Kim attempts to free the unknown Ranger, it tells her to leave him there and even tries fighting her to stay inside the cell. Once Anti-Kim defeats it, she drags him to the surface and back to her base.
Anti-Kim interrogates the unknown Ranger on who he is, but he doesn’t remember. All he remembers is his time imprisoned by Drakkon, how he was mercilessly beaten down at every turn, how he was just a “trophy” of Drakkon’s victory. Suddenly, Finster-5 interrupts the interrogation and reveals that when Anti-Kim freed the unknown Ranger, the Deadlock sent a message to the Andromeda Galaxy with only three words.

“It’s all yours.”
Ending Thoughts
I wasn’t really that interested when I heard about this series, but now? I need to read the next issue now.
Finster-5 attempting to call Ranger Slayer by her own name is cute. And, though I still don’t like Scorpina, her dynamic with Adam is fun and gets some laughs here and there. But, the biggest thing is our all-new Unknown Ranger. So far, some of his dialogue feels odd, but you can clearly see the change from this defiant hero to a broken man. The entire flashback with Lord Drakkon not only shows the traumatic experiences he had to endure but retroactively paints Drakkon even more as a cruel, manipulative dictator.
And, even though this is another dimension, it is interesting seeing old aspects of Ranger continuity like the brief visions of other Ranger dimensions and new aspects like the redesigned Ecliptor and Quantrons. Although we don’t know much about them yet, I am invested in learning how much Drakkon changed characters and events for In Space.
Art-wise, Simone Ragazzoni and Raul Angulo did a pretty good job together. There are some odd human expressions at times, but there are tons of detailing on both the world and its characters. And, like the Ranger Slayer one-shot, the comic has a good range of fluid motion and keeps a bright color palette with a darker tone to it than the main MMPR series.
All in all, Drakkon New Dawn #1 is a good start for this limited series, giving us mystery, intrigue, and all the action that is Power Rangers.
Random Thoughts From the Morphin’ Grid
- Wait, so Anti-Kim, right-hand assassin to Lord Drakkon, never learned about his own personal prison? I’m sorry, Kim. Do you get amnesia from Beyond the Grid?
- Also, this was only a place where Drakkon could enter and it attacks everyone else? That… sounds kinda dumb.
- Wait for a second, Kim only found the chamber because she fell into it. So, was Drakkon’s ultimate plan really based on poor construction?
- I can understand a Coinless soldier attempting to fire at something else and almost hit Scorpina and that causes conflict. I don’t understand a soldier making a “Whoops!” and firing specifically at the wrong enemy.
- Also, no idea why Zack and Trini are complaining about no Morphers when they’re literally fighting unarmed men. You can’t be that out of shape.
- Adam had a wife?! Who?! Violet? That random girl from Goldar’s Vice Versa? (By the way, remembering that episode just brings the Adam / Scorpina relationship into another light.)
- So, the Unknown Ranger’s design? Here’s the thing. It works with the concept of a prisoner. The metal plating, the collar, it all works with the design. Problem is, it’s just not an exciting concept. It really does feel like something I’d see on a CW show.
- The new Quantron designs? They work, adding a little more menacing feel than the original designs. And I like more gold colors being used.
- The female Ecliptor design? Yeah, this also works and because this is a comic, they’re able to incorporate more of an actual face with the “blocks” of the suit.