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Go Go Power Rangers #31 is out now. Just as it was always planned. No pandemic or crisis delayed this at all!
In all seriousness, it’s been a solid two months since the last Power Rangers comic, but it’s felt like forever. We’ve never had to wait this long for the next PR comic. But, now that things have calmed down a bit, it’s great that we can return to this series and continue on.
The Cover

Good cover. I’ll talk more about this for the next issue’s cover since they’re supposed to connect.
The Story
In the present, Jason, Zack, and Trini return home from their “snorkeling trip” and catch up with their friends and family. Through flashbacks from two days prior, we see what happened on both Ranger team missions.
With the Rangers in Promethea, they had a difficult time to deal with the monster. After Squatt took the Psycho Dagger, he decided to take his evil plan a step farther by kidnapping Grace and demanding information on the Dagger. While Tommy used a new Zord combination to defeat the monster…
Helmet’s the coolest part of this combo.
Kim and Billy confronted Zedd’s generals. While they’re distracted, Grace freed herself from Goldar’s grasp and blasted the Dagger to smithereens, not letting the bad guys get their hands on the Dagger.
With the Rangers in space, they traveled to the snowy planet of Saard where they encountered a little alien girl’s pet that has been empowered and going on a rampage. It’s too powerful for them until the Blue Emissary convinced Kiya to help the Rangers fight it and seal it in a dumpster. On their spaceship, after Zack suggested Kiya join their team, the Blue Emissary showed the Rangers the locations of more Empowered, suggesting that it could take years for the Rangers to find them.
In the present, Zack suggests that they have to be the team to fix the mistakes of Shattered Grid. Although Jason agrees it’s the right call, he’s hesitant on leaving his family behind. That is, until Jason’s dad confronts Jason and tells him to do whatever he needs to make him proud.
With that, Jason, Zack, and Trini tell Zordon about their decision to leave for the “Peace Conference”. Zordon agrees with them and instructs Alpha to start looking for their replacements. Meanwhile, on the moon, Zedd berates Squatt’s actions and rushes his back-up plan into action…

Ending Thoughts
Great issue to return to amidst this crisis.
It’s an interesting approach to this issue how rather than going straight from the last issue, progressing through time like normal, and then going to the present, they approach this with tons of flashbacks. It fits with the theme of Go Go Power Rangers originally had of integrating past events. Though, it only seems useful for hiding exactly what happened to the Psycho Dagger and it does feel unnecessary, especially since this is the only issue in the entire series to attempt this. If this structure was to be done, I would’ve preferred it for the final issue instead.
This arc, more specifically the scene with Jason and his dad, has been an excellent story for Jason. The first issue talked about Jason wanting to take up karate because he doesn’t want to be the one to hurt people. During Necessary Evil, he had to deal with the possibility of leaving Earth and hurting everyone he cares about. His dad’s speech helps him realize that as long as he’s doing the right thing, Jason shouldn’t focus on the people he’s leaving and focus on himself and his own evolution. I really appreciate that and I know the next issue, presumably with obtaining the Omega Ranger powers, will be the perfect ending to his story.
I also appreciated the scenes of the Rangers hanging out and catching up with each other. It’s a great way to convey the information of the Promethea story while showing these characters being together knowing they’re going to leave soon. That, and the impressive art for the White Tiger Mechazord fight and the reveal of Serpentera make this issue memorable.
Go Go Power Rangers #31 is a bittersweet return to the PR comic universe as we prepare to say goodbye to them in the final issue of Go Go Power Rangers.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Google “golden milk.” Looks pretty interesting. Basically a very healthy alternative for regular milk.
- Here’s the thing I noticed. This issue had almost nothing for Tommy as a character. Literally nothing. Billy and Kim talk about how Tommy did good in this battle as a leader, but the whole Tigerzord merging with the Mechazord idea was all Saba. Tommy didn’t do squat. (Which now makes me think of a mental picture where it’s like “No, Tommy isn’t in charge of Saba. Saba’s in charge of him. He’s the real leader. Why are you denying him this?”
- Don’t worry. The Psycho Dagger’s fine. It was just an illusion. Otherwise, it’s a completely wasted story line.
- Also, I’m now imagining Billy and Nate from Beast Morphers just chilling have a monster movie marathon.
- It’s important to note that this is the first time they’ve actually mentioned what exactly Jason’s dad’s disease is: multiple sclerosis. For those of you who don’t know, it causes severe damage to the nerves and there’s no real cure for it.
- I can’t believe I didn’t connect that Zedd wanted the Dagger to power up Serpentera. It’s such a simple thing to connect this small adventure to the larger story.
- I just realized something. What if the Mechazord… gets converted into Tor? Think about it. It makes total sense!