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Gotta work. Gotta read. Gotta write.
Deal with village people. Watch a movie. Lay eggs. Done.
The Cover

Ok, this cover’s pretty good with the Rangers running forward, guided by the Blue Emissary. It would’ve been a great metaphor for the last issue, but it’s whatever.
The Story
Continuing from last issue, the Rangers try to intervene in the conflict between Kiya and her people, but they are convinced the Rangers are some sort of monsters. Kiya uses her powers to cause the rocks around them to fall around them, forcing the Rangers to save the village while she runs away.
On Earth, Billy, Kim, and Tommy are doing some back-to-school shopping and hanging out when the Hodgepodge Hedgehog attacks Promethea, being led (for some reason) by Squatt. The Promethea soldiers aren’t faring too well so Alpha contacts Billy, Kim, and Tommy to help out, but are unable to contact Jason, Zack, and Trini (for obvious reasons).
In space, Trini finds Kiya and convinces her to leave the planet with the Rangers to find the answers on her new-found powers. On the ship, the Blue Emissary congratulates the Rangers on a job well done and instructs Xi to set course for another planet. Xi confides in the Blue Emissary that humans might not be the best choice for this reason, but the Blue Emissary has faith that all will be well.
Meanwhile, the Hodgepodge Hedgehog goes giant-size and drills a hole into a secure Promethea lab. Grace attempts to fight the monster off in her Mechazord while the other three Rangers summon their Zords, but this Hedgehog has a trick up its sleeve. Or rather, its throat. The monster spews out eggs that hatch into burrowing hatchlings and overwhelms Grace’s Mechazord. This causes enough of a distraction for the Rangers to not notice Squatt, Baboo, and Goldar infiltrating the Promethea lab and finding what’s inside…

Ending Thoughts
It’s not a surprise that this issue is only here to transition us into the next step of the story.
With the Rangers in space, until they learn about the fight on Earth, the only real issue they have to deal with is Kiya. With the Rangers on Earth, besides Kim having a slight suspicion on Jason, Zack, and Trini’s whereabouts (which shows off her intelligence in a way), there’s not much for them to engage with except for a fight. Even the big “reveal” at the end, showing Zedd to be interested in the Green Psycho Dagger isn’t that big since for readers, it’s the only thing we know Grace would be hiding. (Although, I have actually seen reactions to people reading this story and not recognizing the dagger for some reason…)
But, like previous issues of GGPR, there are still specific moments to look forward to.
Character interactions are brief but still strong. Trini’s conversation with Kiya, relating to Kiya’s struggles with her own journey as a Ranger, allows them to form a nice connection between the two of them. The Blue Emissary’s faith in the Rangers shows off his brief “growth” from his first appearance in the Shattered Grid FCBD issue, acknowledging that he’s seen their strength overcome impossible odds and has faith that they can do it again. And, though the issue is mostly action for her, it’s cool to see Grace get back behind the driver’s seat again in the Mechazord and fight off Lord Zedd’s monster.
Go Go Power Rangers #30 is a good issue, a filler issue but a good issue nonetheless, that prepares us for the final two chapters of Go Go Power Rangers.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Really, this alien race thinks the Rangers are monsters? First off, that kinda works as a retrospective foreshadow for Kiya’s behavior, which is pretty cool. Secondly, if they think the Rangers are monsters, I’m now assuming that someone like Earl Grey Matter would be accepted with open arms.
- I mentioned before that I love the Hodgepodge Hedgehog’s design, but now, I love him as a character too. The dialogue for him works perfectly, just constantly busy and focused only on his goal.
- “This thing’s armor is tougher than a tungsten umbrella.” That’s how they remind you we’re in a scientific research station because no cool soldier would ever say something like that.
- Also, Grace’s outfit? It actually looks cool, but at the same time, I’m wondering why she would be wearing something like that.
- In that brief panel of the Rangers in the movie theater, I’m wondering if there are any people there I’m supposed to recognize because some of those designs look too distinct.
- Writing down the phrase Rock Ninja and automatically thinking of a video game idea for it later.
- Wait, there are veins on Kiya’s neck, similar to Lord Drakkon, showing their power and connection to the Morphin’ Grid… OMG, I NEVER NOTICED THAT. OH MAN, I’M SO BLIND! Have they been on everyone else on Safehaven and I just never noticed?
- That moment where Zack is showing sarcasm and the Blue Emissary takes it literally… I love moments like that!
- “I can recommend 47 alternate species just starting with the letter A that would prove better candidates.” Like Aquitians and Andresians (although there might not be that much difference there…)