(Source: Ranger Command & Boom! Studios)
Covers for MMPR #52 & Ranger Slayer have been released!
MMPR #52 will be released on June 24th, 2020!
Ranger Slayer One Shot will be released on June 3rd, 2020
Plot Synopsis
MMPR #52 Synopsis
As tensions rise between the OMEGA RANGERS and the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS over the return of <SPOILER>, Kimberly takes it upon herself to interrogate their new prisoner. Meanwhile, a team of Power Rangers on a crucial intergalactic mission come face to face with the herald of a new threat heading straight for Earth!
Ranger Slayer One-Shot Synopsis
The Ranger Slayer – AKA Kimberly Hart, the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger from the alternate universe once ruled by Lord Drakkon – returns home and nothing is like she expected. In a world that only knows her as a villain, can Kimberly show her universe that she’s become a hero…and is that even the right thing to do? Confronted by an old foe returning in a terrifying new form and her home in chaos, Kimberly will make a stunning choice that no Power Rangers fan can miss. This issue is also a perfect jumping on point for new readers – and sets the stage for the next Power Rangers epic!