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Here we are. The final story arc of Go Go Power Rangers. The beginning of the end.
The Cover

Meh. Doesn’t get me excited for the story, but good artwork tho.
The Story
We open up on the Rangers defeating Zedd’s newest monster of the week: Earl Grey Matter AKA Kim’s teapot. The Rangers defeat it, but during the fight, there are still some questions as to who’s the leader of the team. Tommy was chosen as leader of the Power Rangers in order to unlock his full potential and the full potential of the White Light as a result, but it’s taking time for everyone to adjust to this new change.
Meanwhile, on the Moon, Lord Zedd reveals his true plans. Earl Grey Matter was just a distraction for the Rangers while he set his sights on his true goal: Promethea. Lord Zedd commands Finster to build him a monster to dig through the compound and find a secret room Grace is guarding.
With the Rangers, Jason, Zack, and Trini head out on a “scuba-diving” trip AKA an outer space road trip to find individuals granted with Morphin’ Grid energy from the aftermath of “Shattered Grid” alongside the Blue Emissary and his new assistant, Xi.
Their first stop? The Khoodjah System. Where a certain someone’s in trouble…

Well, it’s a good thing she’s a good guy! I mean, it’s not like she’ll betray us all or something like that…
Ending Thoughts
The end is coming and it’s already coming in strong.
This issue encapsulates a lot of the timeline and continuity this universe has. It revisits previous storylines like Jason’s dad and Promethea, it establishes continuity from the show without it being too intrusive with the “Two for One” reference and the “excuse” of scuba diving, and it “introduces” the future elements of Necessary Evil with Xi’s and Kiya’s debut. Not only that, but it begins to clear up some confusing elements “Necessary Evil” has like the Peace Conference and Tommy suddenly becoming a leader.
In addition, the monsters of the week are memorable. Earl Grey Matter has some unique elegant dialogue and his design, where you can see the inside of his brain, adds another level to it. The Hodgepodge Hedgehog, though not that bright and colorful, has some cool elements to it like the random spikes and the random tech equipment. In the story, Lord Zedd says that the monster is made up of parts from previous monsters. Even though I personally can’t see which body parts belong to a monster we have seen before, the concept of a monster being made up of previous monsters does serve as an excellent final monster for the Rangers to face in the ending of the series.
Like I said before, Go Go Power Rangers is sadly ending, but Go Go Power Rangers #29 begins to send us on our journey into “Necessary Evil” in a satisfying way.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Zordon’s a character who doesn’t have a lot of doubts so when he starts questioning Tommy being the leader, that’s when you should be worried.
- Lord Zedd: “Stop congratulating yourselves for accomplishing the bare minimum” That’s a quote I’m gonna save for later.
- I’m glad that we cleared up that the Peace Conference is a real event and the Rangers just lied about being picked for it. Because I remembered so much in the show that it was covered by news outlets and I’m like “There’s no way you can fake this whole event. There’s just no way.”
- FOMO. Fear of missing out. I had to google that.
- The Blue Emissary’s line when trying to see Kiya is interesting because although it’s probably just about her current situation, it could also be talking about her role in the current MMPR series.
- Also, I’m fairly certain some people from Kiya’s race look like The Witcher.