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We’ve reached the half-way point of this crossover and we’ve got the Green Shredder Ranger, Tommy in a cage, and one pissed-off Rita.
The Cover

A decent cover showing off our newest villains to the crossover larger than our heroes.
The Story
Continuing right from the last issue, Rita and Shredder fight to a standstill until they agree to work with each other. Meanwhile, Tyler is in charge of guarding Tommy. Tommy again tries to argue with him but fails to get Tyler to let him out. Meanwhile, Zordon and Alpha detect Tommy’s energy signature outside of New York City and contact the Rangers. The Rangers teleport there alone and find Shredder, where they are hit by an energy field and are demorphed. While the Rangers try to fight off Shredder without their powers, Zordon and Alpha contact the Turtles for help, who in turn, contacts a friend of theirs…
Ah, Casey Jones. I’ve seen a lot of stuff over the years, but you are straight up one of the dumbest concepts I have ever known.
The Rangers manage to run away with Casey and teleport out but not before Shredder gives them an ultimatum: hand over their Power Coins before sunrise in exchange for Tommy’s life. In the meantime, Rita seizes the opportunity of powerless Rangers and sends down a new monster in New York. At the Command Center, Zordon explains the energy field they were hit with disrupted the Rangers’ DNA, blocking them from morphing. Since the coins themselves are still usable, there’s only one thing the Rangers can do…
Ending Thoughts
You have no idea how hard I’m grinning right now after reading that final page.
This was such a good cliffhanger ending because they don’t show us what the Turtles are going to look like with these new powers. It leaves us time to speculate and imagine what’s going to happen next. It hypes up the big moment for the next issue. And this was just the icing on top of the cake.
The battle between Rita’s army and Shredder’s forces is satisfying, allowing us to see both the fighting styles of our two main villains and the new threat level Shredder has risen to. We get more expansion on both of the PR and Turtle sides with the introduction of Casey Jones as well as finally getting lore on Tommy and Tyler’s backstory. And, we get even more fun dialogue between our two teams even though the Turtles are basically absent during the last half of the issue. Not to mention the stunning artwork as well.
MMPR / TMNT #3 serves as a great transition into the climax of this team-up and it’s unnecessary to say that I can’t wait to see what happens next issue.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- The Turtles have a blimp…? I never knew this… I just looked it up.
- Even though I personally don’t care that much about Casey, I do appreciate his appearance here. Although, I would’ve liked to see the Turtles’ reaction to teleporting. Maybe we’ll see it next time…
- Another reason the Mighty Morphin’ Turtle Rangers is a good move is that it puts our regular Rangers on an even level with Foot Clan soldiers since they are all just teenagers with attitude.
- Zack: “Hey, Casey, you wanna use one of our Power Coins instead of April? Their powers come from dinosaurs.” Casey: “Do you have one that has a skull on it? If not, then no.”
- We have two more issues to go, but let’s remember the most important part going into this: This is all Tommy’s fault.