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Well, this is it. The beginning of a new Ranger team-up! (And the best part of this is that this isn’t the only Ranger team-up we’re getting this year…)
The Cover

“For the love of God, the camera keeps falling down! Alpha, this is all your fault!”
In all seriousness, I do like this picture, a great group shot of all of our Rangers with the Command Center and Zordon in the background, rather than some generic space in the background. I also appreciate the fact that the photo is off-center because there’s now a shift in power and everything’s off-balance.
The Story
Kiya has a plan. On Safehaven, she has found artifacts and clues on how the Morphin’ Masters wasn’t just a small group of people. It was an entire civilization that somehow all ascended into the Morphin’ Grid and now Kiya wants to do the same thing. She frees Dayne from his captivity and tells him to find the answer on how in exchange for him personally finishing off the Power Rangers.
In the Command Center, the Mighty Morphin’ team begins hammering questions to Zack and Trini, but then Alpha informs them all about Goldar’s attack. The team morphs into action and leaves Zack and Trini back at the Command Center to inform Zordon of their current situation. Even though they can’t reveal all of their information, Zordon understands.

Same, Trini. Same.
Meanwhile, once Billy rescues all of the teenagers from Beastbus (Yeah, that is its name), Tommy destroys Zedd’s staff, which leads to the monsters Goldar created being destroyed. Back at the Command Center, Trini and Zack have to leave Earth immediately after finding a new Morphin’ Grid signature, believing it to be Kiya’s next target. Rocky, Adam, and Aisha accompany them, leaving Billy, Kim, and Tommy to take care of Jason in the meantime.
On Safehaven, it’s revealed that Kiya is back on Safehaven, trying to convince the citizens of the city to join her in the war against all Rangers. So, what is the energy signature the Rangers discover? A trap for them as Cavotus unleashes his full power on them.

In hindsight, it should’ve been obvious it was a trap when you’re flying through an asteroid belt and you’re expecting to find someone just strolling through.
Ending Thoughts
I want the next issue. Now.
We are getting little glimpses into the conflict that our Omega Ranger team has now with the main MMPR team and the exchanges between each Ranger and their counterpart are wonderful character moments for each of them. Though it’s brief, you can really get the tension between them all now for everyone except Zordon. It makes sense for Zordon to have learned these lessons about trust and secrecy for thousands of years. Not only that, it’s a touching moment for him to fully place his trust in the people that he recruited to do the right thing. It’s a moment to show how far their relationship has gone, despite not having that much focus. But, either way, I’m ready now for the full confrontation between them.
Honestly, if I had to have a criticism of this issue, it’s the villains since there’s not a lot of them. While Dayne shows off his personality, wanting something of gain in Kiya’s crusade and using his cunning and senses to find the Morphin’ Masters’ secrets, Kiya’s still a villain I need to see more of. Her plan of wanting to learn how to ascend into the Morphin’ Grid is interesting because it mirrors Drakkon’s ultimate plan in a way. But, her speech to the residents of Safehaven more or less hit the same notes as the previous issues. From her viewpoint, she’s still a relatable character, but I have to wait before I make a judgment. Also, let’s talk about Goldar’s immediate failure of going out on his own. It’s understandable, given Goldar’s track record. But, it now seems like there’s nothing we can do with him now until Zedd comes back.
MMPR #47, despite my little issues here and there, is still a satisfying issue with the dramatic tension rising higher and higher. And, with some of the recent comic book news for both this series and Go Go Power Rangers, it’s safe to say that Necessary Evil is soon arriving at its conclusion.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- The school board listening to complaints from parents about this incident: “Well… you did sign the permission slip…”
- Adam: “My mom always said motorcycles were dangerous.” Don’t worry, Adam. You’re getting one next season.
- By the way, beast bus? Murdercycles? Those would’ve been perfect for the Power Rangers back then since it was the EXTREME 90s.
- Yeah, they addressed the weird point of Kiya wearing the Blue Emissary’s cloak, but not really. There’s still not that great of an explanation for it.
- Also, glad to see Xi brought back together so quickly. That’s amazing.
- I so want Kim to express all of her issues about lying and secrets and then someone’s like, “Now, you know how Matt felt.” Admit it! You want it, too!