Throughout the history of Power Rangers, a Holiday Special is usually in the wings, most times at the end of the season and sometimes after the finale.
In this article, I will be going through all the Power Rangers Holiday Specials with a hint of snark.
Holiday Episodes
Alpha Magical Christmas
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
On Christmas Eve in Angel Grove, Alpha 5 is sad because he is all alone in the Command Center. The Rangers are busy helping Santa Claus in preparation for his big trip around the world. To cheer Alpha up over being left alone, Zordon presents Alpha with a Christmas tree and then teleports in various children to spend time with him. After spending time with Alpha the kids head home, while Tommy, Kimberly and Billy teleport in to wish their robot friend a Merry Christmas. As a special surprise for his best friends, Alpha uses his powers to make it magically snow inside the Command Center.
Note: Alpha 5 steals various kids around the world to sing covers of public domain Christmas Songs.
I’m Dreaming Of A White Ranger
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
The Power Rangers, without their ability to morph or use weapons, must save Santa from Lord Zedd’s forces when their adversary schemes to distribute a weapon to every child on Earth that will render them evil.
Note: The first of the Holiday Specials, this episode features some children singing, a rare kiss on the lips and an evil scheme where Lord Zedd wants to give the kids of the world evil dreidels.
A Season To Remember
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
An elderly Tommy narrates to his grandchildren the story of how the Machine Empire once made Angel Grove, and the teens, intolerant of one anther’s religious beliefs at the festive season.
Note: This episode feature winter holidays other than Christmas and how people with other faiths and traditions can clash during the Holiday Season. This episode also canonizes the pairing of Tommy Oliver & Katherine Hillard as a married couple, which will be confirmed even further in Dimensions In Danger & Soul Of The Dragon.
In Your Dreams
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Deciding that the Power Rangers are completely vulnerable in their sleep, Elsa decides to send monsters into the dreams of each Power Ranger.
Note: This episode uses clips from Super Sentai episodes deemed too silly for Dino Thunder and features a Christmas-themed monster that manifests after Conner dreams about going Christmas Shopping.
Christmas Together, Friends Forever
Season: Power Rangers Samurai
The Samurai Rangers reflect on their first year together as a team and learn about the spirit of the season.
Note: This episode starts the tradition of Power Rangers doing clip shows for their Holiday Specials and features Emily writing an email to her dead…I mean sick sister.
Stuck On Christmas
Season: Power Rangers Super Samurai
After battling a humbug of a Nighlok, the Samurai Rangers find themselves stranded inside a malfunctioning Megazord.
Note: This episode has the Samurai Rangers stuck in their suits and the Zord Cockpit for the whole episode and has Bulk & Spike come to the Shiba House to keep Mentor Ji company.
The Robo Knight Before Christmas
Season: Power Rangers Megaforce
Robo Knight learns the true meaning of Christmas from a group of children when he is mistaken for a donated Christmas toy and is shipped in a charity crate to a foreign land.
Note: Robo Knight gets shipped to Africa while Gia demands an expensive gift from Jake.
Race To Rescue Christmas
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
When Poisandra steals Santa’s Computer, it’s up to the Dino Charge Rangers to get it back before Christmas is cancelled.
Note: The first of the Holiday Specials to feature “Fresno Claus”.
Here Comes Heximas
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
When the Dino Charge Rangers receive mysterious Secret Santa gifts, they uncover an evil plot to ruin Christmas.
Note: The first post finale Holiday Special, Here Comes Heximas features the Dino Charge Rangers hilariously turning into Evil Elves.
Past, Presents, And Future
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Steel
When Cleocatra paralyzes the Ninja Steel Rangers, Sarah and Santa Claus must travel through time to save the day.
Note: Sarah & Santa travel through time and Brody gets big.
The Poisy Show
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
When an old foe of the Power Rangers returns, the Super Ninja Steel Rangers call upon Santa Claus to help them save the world.
Note: This episode doubles as a Holiday Special and a semi Dino Charge teamup.
Scrozzle’s Revenge
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
When the Beast Morphers Rangers get trapped inside holiday ornaments, their Beast Bots must save them and the city.
Note: This episode gives some overdue Beast Bot focus and a possible death for Scrozzle?
Secret Santa
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
While the Dino Fury Rangers fight to get Santa’s magic sketchbook back from the villains, Javi and Solon are caught in a trap!
Note: Double the Slyther, Double the Fun!