Power Rangers is known for its yearly Halloween Specials. However, there are a few spooky episodes that you might also wanna watch that give an air of the Halloween Season.
In this article, I will list all the Halloween Episodes & Spooky Episode that’ll give you those spooky feelz.
Halloween Episodes
Life’s A Masquerade
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
When the gang attends a costume party, Rita spoils their fun by sending down Frankenstein to crash the party.
NOTE: Though technically not a Halloween Episode, Life’s A Masquerade has been a staple Halloween Episode since 1993 due to the inclusion of a costume party and the Frankenstein Monster.
Trick Or Treat
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
Kimberly is a contestant on a game show called Trick Or Treat. She ends up having to forfeit when Rita sends the Pumpkin Rapper down to Earth and she and her fellow Power Rangers have to go stop him.
NOTE: Like Life’s A Masquerade, Trick Or Treat falls under a Halloween Episode technically not on Halloween. However, the Game Show that Kimberly competes on has a Halloween aesthetic and features one of the most iconic Power Rangers monsters, Pumpkin Rapper.
Zedd’s Monster Mash
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
On Halloween night, Lord Zedd traps Tommy alone in an alternate dimension, and puts him up against a variety of monsters from his past.
NOTE: The first Halloween Episode to take place Halloween, this episode starts the tradition a group of monsters coming back to fight the Power Rangers. This episode also features the return of Pumpkin Rapper.
It Came From Angel Grove
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
Adam experiences a nightmarish scenario as he falls asleep watching monster movies.
NOTE: This episode gives you a taste of those old Universal Monster Movies with a mix of The Wizard Of Oz.
Ronny On Empty
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
The Overdrive Rangers travel to Egypt in search of the next jewel, following a vital clue left by The Centurion Torch.
NOTE: This episode is only on the list cause it technically takes place on Halloween for two minutes at the end…
Party Monsters
Season: Power Rangers Samurai
Several monsters get together for party and trade stories about their battles with the Samurai Rangers.
NOTE: The first Neo-Saban Clip Show Holiday Special, this episode is probably the most creative episode of Samurai due to the inclusion of Nighlok Heaven.
Trickster Treat
Season: Power Rangers Super Samurai
Master Xandred & Octoroo deploy a mind-bending Nighlok named Trickster, trapping the Power Rangers in a series of movies.
NOTE: Trickster Treat is one of the laziest episodes of Power Rangers due to it not using a single frame of original footage.
Raising Spirits
Season: Power Rangers Megaforce
On Halloween, the Mega Rangers have a strange encounter with a mysterious cloaked figure who conjures “visions” of monsters past.
NOTE: Raising Spirits gives us an interesting premise for a clip show and features some cute costume for the Megaforce Rangers.
The Ghostest With The Mostest
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
Memorella kidnaps a costumed Dino Charge Ranger teen from a Halloween Party and extracts memories that will allow her to impersonate them. Kendall must ask the teens test questions to identify the impostor before all of the Energems are stolen.]
NOTE: This whodunnit mystery was a clever premise for a clip show. Also, Memorella was the perfect monster to use for Halloween.
Trick Or Trial
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Dino Charge Rangers are summoned to an intergalactic trial for crimes against monsters they have destroyed.
NOTE: The Halloween Intergalactic Court was a clever usage of Halloween Aesthetic and a great way to frame a clip show. Also, the Court Witch is FABULOUS!!!
Grave Robber
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Steel
A Halloween board game leads the Ninja Steel Rangers into Cosmo Royale’s trap where they must confront monsters they have already beaten.
NOTE: Grave Robber was a unique way of using unused Sentai Footage and framing it around an RPG Game. Also, it’s not a Clip Show so it gets points for that.
Monster Mix-Up
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
The Super Ninja Steel Rangers are ambushed by monsters who switch bodies with them.
NOTE: Even though they recycle the Halloween Intergalactic Court, having the rangers swap with monsters was an entertaining thing to watch. Also, Preston dressed as a caveman…I see what you did there.
Hypnotic Halloween
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
The Beast Morphers Rangers are hypnotized into believing that they are the characters they dressed up as for Halloween.
NOTE: You could tell the cast was having a blast with playing up different character, especially Jacqueline Scislowski who had me ROTFL as Ingrid Ironside. Also, having the clips revolve around having Devon remind his teammates who they really were was pretty seamless.
Old Foes
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
Ollie boasts to his friends that he’s afraid of nothing! But when the other Dino Fury Rangers are captured by a formidable foe, Ollie realizes his biggest fear.
NOTE: Halloween is pretty much an afterthought in this episode, where the focal point of the episode is to reintroduce Lord Zedd into the show and sow the seeds for the first season finale.
Spooky Episodes
Carlos And The Count
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Carlos is bitten by a lunar bat and begins to develop strange symptoms associated with vampirism.
NOTE: Carlos becomes a vampire…that’s about it.
A Line In The Sand
Season: Power Rangers In Space
The Space Rangers are transported to a barren desert where they are are pursued and attacked by Tankenstein. Zhane intervenes with his new Lunar Rover but the creature returns to Angel Grove where a battle above the city leads to a devastating loss.
NOTE: The spooky vibes of a driverless Black Hummer doing everything in its power to run you down is perfect for Halloween.
The Rescue Mission
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Terra Venture receives a series of distress calls that lead them to an ancient and seemingly abandoned spaceship.
NOTE: The Rescue Mission is a unique episode due to it feeling like a completely different genre and having no sentai footage used whatsoever. It’s also an Aliens knockoff but a pretty good one.
Web War
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Carter tries to get the hang of mastering the Trans-Armor Cycle, when the spider demon, Arachnor starts webbing up the Aquabase.
NOTE: A giant spider snatching up people to use as dinner for her spider babies is pretty creepy.
Beware The Knight
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
A mysterious Black Knight attacks Trip at night, and later beasts the remaining Time Force Rangers in battle. His intentions are to seize someone whose heart is pure enough to open a box containing the powerful Battle Fire.
NOTE: This episode takes place mostly a night, which gives the episode a spooky vibe.
Curse Of The Wolf
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
The Wild Force Rangers face their most formidable challenge yet when Master Org releases two of his most respected and feared Org Generals, Nayzor and the Wolf-like Zen-Aku.
Nowhere To Grow
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Seeking to play a more active role in the adventures of the Wind Rangers, Cam sets out to help defeat Lothor’s latest plant-based creature.
NOTE: The giant plant Florabundacus gives off a Little Shop Of Horrors feel.
The Missing Bone
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
One of Tommy & Mercer’s older experiments resurfaces and seizes control of Kira.
NOTE: The Missing Bone gives us a few spooky elements, including a brainwashed Kira and a VERY CREEPY transformation scene with Anton Mercer.
Season: Power Rangers SPD
When Cruger refuses to help B-Squad battle Gruumm’s latest agent of destruction, the B-Squad are forced to solve their latest case without the aid of their commanding officer.
NOTE: This episode features a vampire werewolf and a werewolf protecting an evil stone.
Stranger Within
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
When DJ Fly comes to town, Vida decides to go and check him out. But when she does, she is turned into a vampire.
Friends Don’t Fade Away
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Following a battle with Dai Shi, RJ finds difficulty controlling his animal spirit, transforming into a ferocious werewolf.
Brother’s Keeper
Season: Power Rangers RPM
Dillon’s hardware continues to make him an existing danger to the city and his teammates as he unknowingly begins lowering the city’s shields.
NOTE: Dillon slowly becomes zombie-like when Tenaya plants a chip on him.