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The GRID Episode 136: “Solar Ranger Says Gay Rights”
Welcome to the Shit Show!
Episode 136: “Solar Ranger Says Gay Rights” is here where we discuss such vital topics such as the loss of a Legend, Newer Beast Morphers Episode Summaries (Including the Halloween & Christmas Special), Speculation on Wave 3 of the Lightning Collection and its subsequent waves & Lineage Studios releases more Pins! PLUS we review what’s coming to Ranger BOOM Comics in November & December including “The Psycho Path” & “MMPR/TMNT” Issues! We also drop the tea on Legacy Wars/Battle for the Grid updates & what GameStop is doing!
ALSO we attempt to review Beast Morphers Episode 9 “Silver Sacrifice,” & Episode 10 “Thrills & Drills” PLUS BOOM Comics’ Go Go Power Rangers Issue #23 & MMPR Issue #43!
Don’t Forget we always answer your questions!
The GRID is Back Twice Monthly (….most of the time)
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