(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
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Go Go Power Rangers has now reached a new point in the MMPR timeline. We’re skipping past the Green with Evil arc and the events of MMPR #1 – #30 for GGPR, and we’re now entering the post Shattered Grid era. An era that brings with it a lot of questions and maybe one concern.
You see, Tommy is now a main character for the GGPR series and the thing about Tommy is that 9 times out of 10 when he’s in a story, he dominates the whole thing. In the past, there has been so much focus on what Tommy does that it over eclipses any other character in the story and that can be frustrating. Just think about it. The main comic series right now has about 15 issues of just Tommy focus out of 40. But, to be honest, I’m not worried about that happening with this series. Go Go Power Rangers has always been a series that gives the spotlight to all of the characters for MMPR: Rangers, villains, and friends. With all of that said, I am still excited to read this series and learn how we reach the events of “Necessary Evil”.
The Cover
It’s a decent cover with just our 6 heroes together. It’s “back to school” vibe works with the theme of this new era and new beginnings. It’s nice. What can I say? (Also, I like Tommy dressing like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo)
The Story
One year after Rita Repulsa was freed and the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers were formed, Kimberly and Tommy go on their first date, the same first date in MMPR #25. However, it’s soon made clear that reality has changed. Rather than what happened in MMPR #25, which was Tommy getting shanked in an alley by Lord Drakkon, Tommy and Kim embrace and have their first kiss in that same alley. They both agree to start a relationship with another and walk home together, unaware of an unknown figure watching them from the shadows.
Several months later, we jump straight to the aftermath of MMPR season 2’s “Green No More, Part 2”, where Tommy’s Green Ranger powers have been completely depleted. Tommy tries to be supportive of the Rangers fighting on their own but ultimately decides to leave Angel Grove for his uncle’s cabin at the end of the school year to think things over. Later that night, at his house, Jason is taking out his frustration on the whole Tommy situation on an innocent punching bag when that mysterious figure from before arrives. Stating that he needs Jason’s help to help save the universe, the figure reveals himself to be…
Ending Thoughts
To be honest, this didn’t feel like an issue of Go Go Power Rangers.
Don’t get me wrong. This issue is enjoyable and I am very interested in seeing where the series goes from here, but this issue actually felt more like one of the early issues of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Go Go Power Rangers has always been about giving focus on the Rangers’ normal lives and balancing a large cast of characters together. This issue, however, is more for story set-up like how Shattered Grid changed things, Kim and Tommy’s relationship, Lord Zedd and the Thunderzords, Tommy’s feelings of jealousy, and Tommy leaving. The main Rangers and the villains each get their own lines in, but this is more of a Tommy issue than anything else.
We have Francesco Mortarino now as the new main series artist. The art style now, while using the original designs for characters, looks more realistic with a lot more shading and details on the characters and the locations. While we still get some fantastic sequences, like the Thunder Megazord slashing a monster like it’s an anime, and the Rangers and the monsters are great as well, the human characters are the weakest overall. They’re just not as dynamic as they were previously, now looking odd most of the time.
Go Go Power Rangers #21 is a step away from the traditional nature of the series as it focuses heavily on establishing the timeline aspect for both the main show and the main comic series. Although it has a ‘conflicting’ art style, this issue is an important step to set up some (hopefully) interesting plotlines for the future of GGPR.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- I’m glad they finally have a caption to indicate a reference from the TV show. I wish they have those more often, but it needed to be here because “watermelon bomb” only makes sense if you’ve seen the show. (Kinda, sorta, not really)
- Also, I thought the Power Sword was just called the Thunder Sword for the Thunder Megazord.
- “The Dragonzord’s in stasis” AKA “We will literally never see it again. It practically walked off into the sunset, dude.”
- Baboo: “There are places we can hide. Other planets. Secret dimensions” Squatt: “OOOH! I know this one cool place, dude. It has zoos full of dinosaurs, man!”
- Squatt: “He’ll probably just take our skin, leave us outside to freeze…” Squatt, you’re such an idiot. In this universe, I have seen normal people walk out there and breathe in space. You’ll be fine.
- The Dark Rangers are pointless and I never want to hear from them or see them ever again.
- Ok, is Tommy saying that there’s no one at that cabin, not even his uncle? I’m sure that was a great conversation with your mom. “Mom! I’m going to an isolated cabin in the woods with no adult supervision and there’s a chance I might choose not to come back. Can I take your car?!”
- Also, it’s super shady that he was packing for his trip in a public parking lot and not his house and that he didn’t tell Kim about this earlier.
- Did the Blue Emissary really just turned off the lights for no other reason than to be dramatic? Because it’s just a ‘click’ sound and then he’s in his cloak like “WHOOSH!”
- There are some people that think that having the series come back to this point after Green No More feels like a weird choice, thinking that after the initial Green Candle arc would’ve been much better. While it feels a little weird (Tommy acting like it’s actually the first he has lost his powers), this is definitely a much better choice. There’s a lot to explore here: Zedd taking advantage of Tommy gone, Alpha and Zordon building the White Ranger’s powers, Tommy and Kim and their relationship, and all of the other stuff leading into MMPR #40. Plus, if this was after the Green Candle arc, there probably would have been issues after issues of Tommy freaking complaining about his powers and that would’ve been annoying.