(Source: Shout Factory)
Shout Factory will be releasing the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Movie on Blu-Ray!!!
Shout Factory originally included Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers The Movie on Blu-Ray in the 25th Anniversary MMPR Steelbook, but now we finally have a separate release!!!
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers The Movie will retail for $15.99 and will be released on June 4th, 2019.
“… spectacular effects, [and] fantastic monsters!” – Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times
Power up with six incredible teens who out-maneuver and defeat evil everywhere as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! But this time, the Power Rangers may have met their match when they face off with the most sinister monster the galaxy has ever seen – Ivan Ooze. Unleashed upon the good citizens of Angel Grove after six thousand years of imprisonment, Ivan Ooze strips the Power Rangers of their powers! Now they must journey to a distant planet to learn the secrets of the ancient Ninjetti. Only then will they become empowered with strength enough to restore their Morphin ability and defeat the evil Ivan Ooze. Join the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and their new Ninja Megazord as they fight to save Angel Grove and the world from evil!
Bonus Features
*A Look Back At Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, Including New Interviews With Director Bryan Spicer And Stars Johnny Yong Bosch And Paul Freeman And More!
*Original Featurette
*Theatrical Trailer