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It’s Date Night! And all of your favorite couples are here!
Jason and Trini, Kim and Skull, Zack and Billy, Baboo and Goldar, Rita and a smokin’ hot alien warrior queen. You know, the usual…
The Cover
… No comment. It’s drawn pretty decently with some good coloring, but the content of it just in general isn’t that exciting, at least to me. It at least basically tells you what you’re going to get.
The Story
Flashback Land has a little Trini trying to outrun an airplane… Ok then.
In the present, turns out Jason and Trini tricked the Kedry into thinking that they jumped off a cliff and the Rangers plan to follow the Kedry to find Rita’s location. On the way, Jason and Trini start to pick up more of each other’s thoughts and Jason finds out Trini’s in love with him. Denying it initially, Trini tells Jason that he should just push his feelings down about it and focus on the mission. At that moment, Rita and her Kedry squad are entering the Temple of Repulsa and to get to the center, they have to go through a whole squadron of Putty and a totally powered-up Breel soldier.
While Zack is giving Billy the idea to trick out his Rad Bug with some of Zordon’s alien tech, Kim goes out on her date with Skull. She tries to recreate her perfect original date with Matt and even goes so far as to try and kiss Skull, but he declines. Skull talks about his family and their issues and knows that when he looks at Kim, it’s clear that she’s not over Matt, no matter what she says.
Skull: “We can’t do this… Not in front of the unicorn….” (Yo, but seriously. Look at that Kim face right there)
Just as Baboo is getting Goldar on the whole betrayal train, Jason and Trini arrive at the Temple of Repulsa. More thoughts get shared between each other, and Trini finds out about Jason’s dad’s condition.
Rita finally defeats all of the forces lurking in the temple and heads to the center where she obtains the Dragon Power Coin!
I sincerely hope the next issue has the flashback that explains how the heck this dude didn’t try to break free from those chains, especially holding a dagger in one hand!
Ending Thoughts
The revelation about the Dragon Power Coin is both pretty cool and pretty sad for the same reason: Tommy is coming soon. Although I do appreciate Rita being proactive like this and obtaining this power, I am worried about how much time this book has left. This series is a prequel to the main MMPR series. Once Tommy is introduced, once he joins the team, this series is basically done. And now that it seems that Rita has the Dragon Coin, odds are there’s not a lot more things this series can do now without taking away some of the menacing demeanor that Rita has. (Although, I might predict that Baboo’s plan here might be somewhat important for delaying this…).
Regardless of when it ends, I’m still enjoying this series as it again balances out the action segments with character moments where a lot of the cast can shine. Jason and Trini’s relationship development was amazingly mirrored with Kim and Skull’s date here. Both seemingly impossible scenarios with both Trini and Kim attempting to mask their true feelings and both of them coming out to others in an “unspoken” way. The main difference is that Jason’s drama with his family is what allows Trini to comfort him while Skull’s past is what allows Skull to give Kim the words that she needs to hear.
Go Go Power Rangers #15’s quality is largely dependent on whether or not you’re okay with the Jason and Trini pairing. And even I’ll admit, I’m still a little iffy on it. But, still, even then, the moment when they smack each other on the lips, it’s so beautifully drawn that it honestly makes me want to see what exactly this relationship will bring to the table. No matter what, there’s at least one moment in here that I’ll bet you’ll say is a definite match.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- NONE AVAILABLE – (…Yeah, really. I got nothing. My mind is blank right now. I said all I needed to say in the captions. Hope you had a nice time reading this!)