Sent to us exclusively today we got our first look at the headshots for many new cast members for the upcoming 26th Season of Power Rangers (and Hasbro’s first go at the series), Beast Morphers!
Besides Rorrie D. Travis, Jasmeet Baduwalia & Jackie Scislowski we don’t have 100% Official confirmation on who each person is playing but, take a look at the new members below!
New Cast Members
Colby Strong
Character Name: Blaze
Note: Though it has not been 100% confirmed by Hasbro, it has been widespread over social media that Colby could be the new Gold Ranger. Stay tuned for confirmation!
Abraham Rodriguez
Character Name: Nate
Cosme Flores
Character Name: Ben
Kristina Ho
Character Name: Betty
Liana Ramirez
Character Name: Roxy
Confirmed Rangers