Covers & Synopsis for MMPR #33 has released which features the civilian forms of the Beyond the Grid storyline by Marguerite Bennett with art by Simone di Meo!
Go Go Power Rangers #14 has also been released which features Trini & Jason’s color/Dino swaps & possibly where their Romance begins. This issue will also feature a new series artist; Eleonora Carlini who takes over for Dan Mora.
MMPR #33 & Go Go Power Rangers #14 will drop November 2018!
MMPR #33 Synopsis
BEYOND THE GRID continues as an all-star team of Power Rangers struggle to survive a hostile new environment with diminishing powers and no allies. Meanwhile, Andros (Red Space Ranger) comes to terms with the lengths that he will go, and the lines he will cross, to reunite with his sister, Karone.
Go Go Power Rangers #14 Synopsis
Following the epic 25th anniversary crossover’s conclusion, The Ranger Slayer is out, and Rita Repulsa is back at the series’ main villain. Now, Rita Repulsa sets out on a quest to find an ultimate weapon that can destroy Earth, while the Rangers find themselves separated from one another.