(Source: IGN, ThatHashtagshow)

The anniversary episode, ThatHashtagShow has also provided us with some more details on the plot of the episode!
Spoilers follow below, click here to read the entire article!
“Dimensions in Danger”, will focus primarily on two returning cast members – Jason Faunt (Wes, Time Force Red Ranger), and Jason David Frank (Tommy, Mighty Morphin Green and White Rangers, Zeo Red Ranger, Turbo Red Ranger, and Dino Thunder Black Ranger). A new villain – Lord Drayvon – makes his debut. While exact specifics were not given to us, his ultimate goal is to destroy the multiverse. That’s right Power Rangers fans – it is now “show canon” that there are multiple universes in Power Rangers (as opposed to just two … the regular and RPM universes). To achieve his goal he has started kidnapping Power Rangers throughout the multiverse. Wes, the Time Force Red Ranger, detects the disturbances and heads through time and space to recruit other Power Rangers to defeat Lord Drayvon.These kidnapped Power Rangers are used to create evil copies that Lord Drayvon controls. “BUT WHAT ABOUT TOMMY!?” you cry. Never fear – evil Tommy returns! “OMG – LORD DRAKKON!?” Not quite. The evil Tommy you will see in the episode is actually an evil robot clone. But don’t worry – the Tommy you know and love will show up packing some old familiar toys … and maybe a new one. Will he be the one to save the day?
Now before you scream “THIS IS EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER WANTED” we would also share with you from our sources that aside from Wes and Tommy there isn’t a ton of screen time or dialogue for other returning Power Rangers. We’re not saying this is a repeat of the over-hyped Legendary Battle from Power Rangers Super Megaforce. But we are advising caution as this is a standard run-time single episode featuring 16 total Power Rangers as well as their allies and a brand new villain (and possibly Sledge as well). Its just a lot of people to fit in to a single episode. Word has also reached us that it’s possible Netflix will be receiving an extended cut of “Dimensions in Danger” (release TBD) much like “Legendary Battle” had (though unlike “Legendary Battle” we have not heard of an extended cut airing later on Nick Toons).