(Source: Pre-Order, Thanks to: @chaotix12345)
As the summer begins to fade it’s time to start to thinking about the year winding down! Which also means that a new year is coming and that means new calendars! Calendars.com in 2019 is exclusively bringing you an awe some new Power Rangers Beast Morphers calendar to celebrate the Premiere of the new 26th Series! It features animated versions of the 3 Beast Morpher Rangers, their Zords and Beast Bots!
The calendar is currently priced at $14.99 and is up for pre-order, you can click here.
It will ship after 11/14/2018!
Here are some interesting tidbits we learned from the back of the new calendar!
The calendar revealed the names of the new Beast Bots such as the
Rabbit-Bot named Jax, the Cheetah-Bot named Cruise and the Gorilla-Bot named Smash!
If you take a look at the April poster to the right you can also see the Red Ranger is using a Power Rangers original weapon!
The Calendar boasts the phrase “Release the Beast!” which many are predicting could be their morph call!