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I originally thought this was supposed to release on the 11th, but instead, it was released on the Fourth of July. Because nothing says American independence like a comic about drinking a bunch of milkshakes and a visit from the universe’s flashiest dictator. (Although, there are some fireworks in here…)
The Cover
Amazing mirror effect, contrasting the evil Ranger Slayer with the good Pink Ranger. (Not to mention the Ranger Slayer’s half is greater than Kim’s half, visually showing how much more powerful and skilled she is than Kim)
The Story
In Flashforward Land, Anti-Kim and Bulk are helping to clear out a hospital when she sees her Matthew, dying from injuries of a Sentry attack. Angry at Lord Drakkon for taking so much from her, she plans on going straight to Drakkon to finally kill him (and we can clearly see that turned out well).
In the present, the Ranger Slayer is mopping off the floor with Kim when Anti-Kim checks in on the Megazord battle and notices Matthew on the rooftop like an idiot. Via the Gravezord, she creepily says hello to him, but Jason manages to distract it long enough for Matthew to get out of there. Kim finally manages to get the upper hand by electrifying the spires of the Command Center, destroying the Ranger Slayer’s Bow of Darkness and freeing her from Drakkon’s mind control spell.
Squatt and Baboo tell Rita about the Rangers’ victory, but she doesn’t care, as she’s already working on something for the Rangers. Meanwhile, at the Command Center, Anti-Kim is breaking down from everything that’s happened to her and seeing people who are supposed to be dead to her. Billy wants to question her about where she’s been and who she actually is, but Zordon says that no one can talk to her about that since everyone’s still unsure about whether or not she’s from another dimension or if she’s actually from their future.
Later, Matthew tells the gang about his near-death experience and how he’s somehow connected to all of this. He tells them about potentially going back to the battle site, but the others make him promise that they’ll help him figure out what’s going on if he doesn’t risk his life again, which he accepts. After unsuccessfully asking Anti-Kim for what her future holds for her, Kim takes her to the Juice Bar, where Anti-Kim, now known as “Sally”, plays video games, chugs down milkshakes, and just has fun. Alternate Future Kim tells Present Kim to enjoy these moments of levity because those moments are worth fighting for.
However, Anti-Kim sees Matthew and quickly excuses herself into an alley where she’s contacted by the Wicked White Ranger of the West himself, Lord Drakkon. He catches her up on the events on Shattered Grid and how he’ll soon be all-powerful. Anti-Kim tries to act like she’s still being mind controlled, but without her Bow of Darkness, Drakkon puts two and two together. He bids her farewell, knowing that there’s nothing she can do to stop his plans now.
At the Command Center, Billy notices Anti-Kim going through Alpha’s personal archives. He offers to help her out but is quickly knocked out. Anti-Kim promises that what she’s about to do will help them all, just as Rita sends down two giant monsters to finally finish off the Rangers, once and for all.
So, a lobster with a mace for a hand and Lord Zedd if he were a character in the new God of War game…
Ending Thoughts
Now, we’ve started to converge a little bit.
Aside from Matthew’s one scene, this has been the most straightforward issue of the series so far, finally tying in with Shattered Grid and establishing more character and insight into our Ranger Slayer. And, I’ll be totally honest, this issue is the most interested I have been in the Ranger Slayer. That scene in the Juice Bar really did the trick.
A lot of future apocalyptic characters in these types of situations are always the party poopers, being totally dedicated to their mission. To see Anti-Kim just hang out and have fun is not only a rare sight to see, but shows how much she has grown and what was taken from her when Drakkon showed up. This, along with the scene of her breaking down, honestly shows her as a complex character, which up to now, has only been “generic tough girl”.
The other scenes in here are worth talking about, but they’re more about the Ranger Slayer as a whole so I’ll talk about more that next issue. Art-wise, there was nothing that special with the exception of the “Slayers Just Wanna Have Fun” page, which was bright and colorful and was a creative way of having a montage.
Overall, if you’ve been a fan of the Ranger Slayer so far, this is definitely the issue for you.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- There’s a ton of appearances of monsters from the show in clay form in Rita’s scene. It’s worth a look.
- Sally is just another name for Slayer, in case you didn’t realize.
- Also, the Ranger Slayer played a game called Metal Slayer that was about killing zombies. That has to be one of the most punk things I’ve heard in awhile.
- Lord Drakkon: “So… your mind is clear again.” The wording of that definitely made me think for a second like he knows what he’s doing is seriously messed up.
- Also, I’m seriously wondering how that communication thing works. Is it like Anti-Kim is just seeing a picture of Drakkon or is it like she can just grab him and RKO him on the spot?
- By the way, I feel the need to point out Drakkon did the classic cliche of “leaving an enemy alive”.
- So, Rita’s big plan was to send two monsters HOURS AFTER the Rangers were done with their fight? Rita, you should be smarter than this! (Actually, not really. I have had really low expectations for you for a long time)