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Hey, so, I just wanted to ask “How’s your day? How are you? How did you wait for the next issue for Shattered Grid? Did you do the same thing I did: break your computer and stare silently at the walls for hours and contemplate your life?”
The Cover
This is a standard concept, two teams charging towards the middle, but the shattered, jagged center separating two colors makes it a lot more interesting and emphasizes the whole “shattered” concept. Not to mention, we get to see cool Ranger designs from both the Sentry side and the Ranger side with the unmorphed B-Squad using their civilian powers.
(Also, to go off topic for a second, did those two colors in the background remind you too of Pokemon Sun and Moon?)
The Story
In the Pterodactyl Dinozord, Jen’s starting to have “time travel space jet lag”, which Kim interprets that it’s still possible for them to fix time and save Tommy. Unfortunately, Jen states that even if time were to be fixed, things wouldn’t be the same, referring to her ex-fiance, Alex. The Zord then arrives at its destination, Terra Venture, where Jen and Kim only find the Pink Galaxy Ranger at the time, Karone. All three Pink Rangers join other surviving Rangers in the Dinozord, which consists of Carter, Kira, RJ, Noah, Gia, Koda, and Kendall.
Back with Jason and Lauren, the Battle of Corinth rages on.
Dr. K fixes Lauren’s powers so that they are Drakkon-proof. Jason argues with Dr. K that they need to take her away from the city so that they can teleport her back to the Command Center and have her fix other Rangers’ morphers, but she refuses, not wanting to leave the city defenseless.
In Drakkon’s world, the two Zacks and Sentry Skull sneak into Drakkon’s palace. They manage to find Ninjor and free him from his mind control. However, Finster-5 discovers who they are and has some Sentries open fire, killing Coinless Zack in the process. Sentry Skull covers them so Zack and Ninjor can escape from the palace safely.
Back in Corinth, Kim and Jen arrive with their Ranger recruits (now including Cruger and the B-Squad), but it’s still not enough and Drakkon takes Summer’s morpher. With no other options, Dr. K tells Jason to damage the city dome so that they can all teleport out of there.
As Billy is comforting Coinless Trini about her friend’s death, Ninjor tells them Lord Drakkon’s ultimate plan: to gain the powers of all Ranger teams so that he can get inside the Morphin’ Grid…
Ending Thoughts
MMPR #28 is a great issue with an impressive Battle of Corinth in the center of it.
The conversation between Kim and Jen was interesting, allowing Jen to expand more on her season’s history with the mention of Alex and conveys Kim’s hopes that Tommy will somehow come back to her. The art in this was phenomenal, especially with the Battle of Corinth. That splash page, not only was a great mirror of the cover but had such vibrant colors and a lot of fun things to look at. With its setpieces, this issue was a great example of balancing quality and quantity. Plus, seeing all of those recruited Rangers together genuinely makes me smile.
Although, I would like to say that all of the major plot points in this, at least to me, were… expected. I already guessed as to what Drakkon’s Great Campaign was. I suspected that the Rangers would lose the Battle of Corinth. I even figured that the Evil Rangers would be used exactly how they’re used here. And when Coinless Zack started talking to regular Zack, I was like, “he’s dead.” He practically stared me in the face and told me he was a few days left from retirement. But, hey, that’s just me. This was good, just not that surprising.
We’ve reached the midway point of “Shattered Grid” and there’s one thing we know for sure. The Rangers are going to need a lot more help to defeat Drakkon and fast.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Nice touch of Kim recognizing parts of Terra Venture from Promethea’s base.
- That area in Terra Venture looked like a snow biome, which makes me think why would you want a snow biome in space?
- Carter Grayson. Awesome at being a firefighter / Ranger. Terrible at not recognizing simple dinosaurs.
- Also, there’s one fan somewhere out there that’s super triggered by Noah’s statement that the Pterodactyl Dinozord is the best.
- Minor point. Kira, in the end, looks nothing like Kira in the show. I’m not even sure she would even wear that same outfit.
- “So what happened in Corinth today? A giant robotic T-Rex crashed into the dome and now we’re imprisoned by evil Ranger-like soldiers. I’m done. I quit.”
- If you didn’t notice in that ending fight, Koda and Karone aren’t in it. Karone was probably still too injured to fight and Koda was tasked to watch her while Jen and Kim piloted the Zord. I would have loved to see the scene of Koda and Karone interacting. Koda comforting her, talking about his past, and then just randomly pulls out a Bronto Burger for her. That, or they were just helping to recruit more Rangers in the meantime. I don’t know.