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We continue to look at Shattered Grid by not actually looking at Shattered Grid. Huh.
The Cover
Giant Gravezord (or whatever this thing is called) standing tall above the city.
This is just a decent cover, showing the Gravezord’s stature in contrast to all of the other small buildings. Pink smoke makes the cover a little more interesting, but it’s nothing special. Just decent.
The Story
In Flashforward Land, Pre-Slayer Kim and Bulk are reporting Sentry activities on an abandoned rooftop. During this time, Bulk and Kim talk about life before Drakkon and despite the world is basically doomed, Bulk is glad to be working with Kim.
In our present universe, Billy literally becomes a ninja after hanging out in his zord in his free time. Kim confronts Matthew about being so distant from her and the others before he tells her (conspiracy board and everything) that he believes there’s a reason for his abduction and that finding the Power Rangers is the key to understanding why. Jason asks Zordon if they have any equipment or methods that can be used to fix Jason’s dad, but Zordon denies his request, talking about his duty as a sage and that humanity has to be able to grow on their own without alien interference.
Soon, during class, everyone’s alerted to the Gravezord attacking downtown. The Rangers morph and summon their Zords and confront it. However, the Gravezord is able to anticipate every one of the Rangers’ attacks, even being able to stop the Megazord from forming. Before Zordon can tell the Rangers what to do, he’s attacked by the Ranger Slayer, who’s controlling the Gravezord remotely.
Kim realizes this is a distraction and teleports back to the Command Center. Meanwhile, Matthew runs straight into the Zord fight to try and talk to the Rangers. However, as Matthew is about to be crushed by a piece of debris, at the Command Center, the Ranger Slayer is trying to get Alpha to give her access to their communication systems. Suddenly…
Ending Thoughts
We’re ten issues in and the art is still so beautiful, especially with the Gravezord. It has an impressive amount of detail while looking sleek and menacing. Mainly all of the character subplots are given focus through this issue: Billy’s literal mystic kung-fu powers, Jason’s dad, Zack’s potential relationship with Violet, Matthew’s quest to find the truth. Even Rita gets some screen time, already planning her double cross with the Ranger Slayer. Jason’s father subplot is the one that stood out to me the most. Seeing Jason breaking down a little here was heartbreaking. While Zordon’s explanation is a little cliché, it is understandable and gives his character some depth.
MMPR #10 balances action and character with a cliffhanger ending making you want the next issue immediately.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- I saw some comments that the Gravezord looks better than the Typhonis Megazord from the Pink mini-series. Well, that’s basically the point. The Gravezord was presumably made by Finster 5, the one who helped make the Sentries and all of that. The Typhonis Megazord was practically made by a five-year-old smashing pieces together.
- The “Power Rangers Protocol” actually makes the most sense for an emergency like this since a bunch of scared teenagers running in the streets ain’t exactly the better option.
- The police officer at the end makes a good point. There should be a lot more stupid people at this fight, trying to get the ultimate selfie with a robo fight in the background.
- Also, can we get more Alpha moments like this one against the Ranger Slayer? Please and thank you.