I have to say that I really enjoyed this episode more than the previous fillers so far this season. This episode’s comedy was a lot more spot on than previous episodes and had me laughing at both the female Ranger’s exploits as well as their parents. We also were introduced to a new Zord that, this time, actually had a decent explanation for its existence! Plus, two of my least favorite characters were balanced and knew where to stay; in the background. Let’s take a look back at some moments from the fourth episode of Super Ninja Steel “Making Waves”
Sneaky Shenanigans: Apparently the very idea of their parents dating each other freaked both Sarah and Hayley out that they had to sabotage them. Which, from a High School best friend’s point of view kind of makes sense. However, it was kind of mean all of the things they put their parents through. BUT, it was hilarious! I was so happy to see the return of Sarah’s mom because I enjoyed her so much in the previous season, she’s just so funny and full of joy. I love to see her on-screen and it was also great to meet another Ninja Steel parent in Hayley’s Dad as well! (When can we meet Calvin’s parent?)
When Aaron (Hayley’s Dad) feeds Jackie (Sarah’s Mom) a grasshopper, her facial expressions were just fantastic and when she spits it out I just had to laugh. Later, Jackie thinks that Aaron likes to go fast and spins him as fast as she can on a playground ride which makes him want to hurl.
Turns out Sarah and Hayley’s plan to derail their parent’s date worked, but at what cost? Later, the Drone is damaged and because their parents no longer want to work together, how can they get it fixed without Sarah’s mom’s programming skills?
Mick’s Lesson: As usual Mick leads the way with his powerful lessons making the Rangers come to their own obvious conclusions. He attempts to throw away the incomplete Drone away now that it no longer works because the two parents refuse to work with each other now.
He uses an attempt to break the Rangers up to decide what to do, clearly this is a bad idea because the Rangers should be working together to solve this and all problems. This is when Sarah and Hayley realize that teamwork is what makes them strong and this is what made their parents a strong team in the first place. They had to get them back together! Another strong lesson from Mick without straight up telling them or shoving it down their throats. Suck it Gosei.
Who You Foolin’?: This part just made me laugh, not because it was simply funny but because it was just so stupidly funny. I mean we’ve seen Power Rangers do this before where they’ve talked to people they know and had to disguise their voices. But the over the top disguise of Sarah’s voice to her mom (especially when she almost calls her Mom) was just ridiculous. I just had to laugh at this. It was enjoyable because it was just so dumb.
Jackie & Aaron: When they finally got their groove back it was so nice to see these two parents work together for the common good of the Power Rangers. The chemistry is definitely there when they were working together and I loved seeing them together when something wasn’t going wrong.
Later, when Hayley and Sarah seemed to give up their objections it seemed even more harmonious and again I just simply loved this. I honestly hope that we get to see these two again down the line and of course as a real couple!
Doomwave: I absolutely loved this monster’s suit design! He had both an octo/squid motif but also had this interesting inner-tube look combined with sparkling blue waves designed into him! He also spoke as if he were underwater, so kudos to the voice actor for that! Too bad no figure for him!
Plus, he (along with Madame Odius) had a pretty decent plan! While, it had plenty of set backs the plan was pretty treacherous! A tsunami machine buried under the ocean would’ve worked if those meddling Ranger’s hadn’t stumbled upon it on accident because they just happened to be looking for a giant fish at the exact same time. Oh well, Villains get no breaks in the world of Power Rangers haha!
The Sub Surfer Zord: I was really happy with the way that this Zord was introduced. Unlike the Rumble Tusk and Astro Zord this Zord actually had a connection to something or item in the story and didn’t simply appear in the Ninja Nexus Prism. While Mick said he had crafted a new Star and threw it to the Rangers. The star stuck to the Drone the Rangers had been dealing with the entire episode which then transformed into the Sub Surfer Zord which was almost identical to the Drone!
Watching the footage of this Zord was also really fun to watch, I mean how often do we get a surfing Zord and then have a Ranger surf along with it as well. I just thought that this footage was used in a really fun way and I really enjoyed it.
Victor & Monty: Again, this episode utilized these two the way they should be. LESS and in the background for most of the episode. To be honest I barely remember them being there which made the episode all that better. Of course Victor was trying to get his 50th trophy for probably the 50th time, Monty tries to cheat the fisherman into thinking they’ve caught the biggest fish by dressing up as a clearly fake fish, they get caught, he’s embarrassed, the end.
Again, this episode knew its balance. It had very good comedy (for Ninja Steel), a good lesson in team work, kept Victor and Monty at bay, had a pretty cool monster and kept me satisfied. What seems to be happening week to week so far with Super Ninja Steel is that each episode is a toss-up on whether or not it will succeed. Hopefully we can succeed again next week!
Until then, Thanks for Reading!