“Tough Love” was a pretty straight forward episode and honestly did not move the plot forward any at all. So, therefore I have very little to say for this episode. There were many cute moments, a very awesome Female Monster of the Day, an Evil Ranger and some interesting easter eggs for the fine tuned eye! So let’s take a look back at some of the moments worth talking about.
Jess/Spyclops: I love any female monster that Power Rangers puts out because they are pretty rare. What made Spyclops pretty special is that she had a human counterpart. Not only that but she was able to sway the Gold Ranger to change everything about himself in just a short day. I loved that before she revealed herself as a monster to the people at home that she kicked butt with a shovel and destroyed a Kudabot!
When she finally did turn into Spyclops (her monster form) while interesting, it was pretty cool that she was able to fly into the sky and spew down fiery attacks or just plain spin ferociously when she was fighting the Rangers. Also, I couldn’t help but love that creepy eye in the center of her head!
But what was going on with that song she had Levi sing? They really couldn’t come up with a song that sounds evil or is in English? I mean they literally had him sing gibberish. I can only imagine how Jordi Webber must have felt filming that incredibly embarrassing scene where he just spouted nonsense for minutes on film. It was just uncomfortable to watch. The only good part was the end where he said “Ninpo Kinji” which they took from Ninninger and that was all that made sense…..
Levi’s New Look: Hey, I didn’t think he looked too bad. Except that hat had to go. But, there is nothing like Levi’s cowboy look and it was a good thing that he realized that he should stay true to himself. Long live that cowboy hat!
Evil Levi: I have to say that I loooove an Evil Ranger and Evil Levi did not disappoint. He was very powerful against his teammates an even went toe to toe against his brother! Plus, whoa it took all 5 Ninja Steel Rangers to take him on. Good thing he’s on your side, eh Rangers? At least the footage was pretty and Levi’s evil sounding voice was pretty epic!
Preston Shines: Sarah may be the brains of this operation but episode after episode Preston proves himself to be the backbone of the team. His magical skills continue to come in handy in several episodes so far! This time he was able to identify the spell that was being used and the solution to reverse it. Good for you Preston, but still those magical words being spoken out loud are like nails on a chalkboard to me. Sorry!
Chip Thorn: Now this is an amazing little easter egg they added into the show and I’m glad at least someone on the show’s production is paying attention! If you look closely in the “T” section of the book you can see “Thorn, Charlie”
You remember old Chip from Mystic Force don’t you? Well, there’s a little record of him in Preston’s spell book from the Lion Galaxy and it has a little blurb about him and his team’s battle and the Underworld!
Victor & Monty: I can’t tell you how much I loved Jess in her scenes with Victor and Monty because she kept saying what we all want to say to them every single episode. “Go Away.”
If you’ve seen the episode I don’t need to bore you with how horrible their story-line was. What with Monty’s idea to make Victor “smell” like a cowboy and then make a cologne that makes him smell like one. Cause that makes a whole lot of sense.
And where does Monty get all of this cologne/spray making experience from? Seriously, none of this is funny and I want to hit fast forward through all of it. Luckily, we had Jess this episode to make light of them and make them go away! Why did she have to be evil? She could’ve just been Levi’s sassy girlfriend that tells Victor and Monty off constantly and makes them go away.
Well, I can dream can’t I?
While the moral of this episode most clearly is “Stay true to yourself and don’t change for anyone” I think that this episode will go down as one of the more forgetful episodes of Super Ninja Steel as it didn’t leave much of an impact on me. I have very little to say about it as you can see from my extremely short review.
But, what I do want to hear is from you! What did you think of this episode? Was there something I missed?
Tell me in the Facebook comments of this post! Until next week!