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TODAY ON POWER RANGERS: The Power Rangers go out on a field trip, where they find a claw-ful surprise. With a new friend on their side, can they defeat it and stop Finster’s plans?
The Cover
Artistically drawn well, but it’s generic, bland, shameful, pointless, dull, irrelevant to the issue’s story…
I’d need a dictionary to fully express how much I don’t care about this cover.
The Story
Via the Viewing Globe, the Rangers learn about Grace’s Ranger mission (the events of MMPR #20). Naturally, they have some questions and concerns as to why Zordon didn’t tell them about this. Then, Grace reminds them of Finster’s plans and asks them to come with her to Promethea’s headquarters.
Oh, hey, I recognize this place…
Grace takes the Rangers to Promethea’s “weird tech” division, where they are holding captive a random guy named Tony, who has no idea what’s going on. Conveniently, when the Rangers see him, he turns into a nine-headed cat monster. As Grace explains, unlike the “humans” in Finster’s village, Tony (and probably all of the other monsters running amok) were given human personalities and memories.
Mr. Meowgi, the cat monster, escapes his holding cell with the Rangers following close in pursuit. Like other monsters, he has a special power: each head of his represents one of his lives. All heads need to be destroyed before he can be fully destroyed. The Rangers take care of most of his lives, and Grace takes the last three via… Just look.
A “mechazord”? This is literally from Cybertron. Optimus Prime sent this here…
After the battle, Grace explains her full offer to the Rangers. Grace wants to work with the Rangers, tracking Finster’s monsters using a particular energy signature (AKA how they caught cat-friendly Tony before) and sending the Rangers to take care of them since they have the expertise and, pun-intended, power. Before they can answer, Alpha calls the team and tells them that Zordon has returned.
Zordon! You got some ‘splaining to do!
Ending Thoughts
This issue didn’t showcase any of the Rangers’ personalities or character growth, rather more on the danger of Finster’s creations and the potential benefits of working with Grace and her organization. It slows down the momentum built from the last couple of issues a bit, but the ending did leave me interested when the next issue comes out.
The action was fine, the art… is something that needs to be discussed. This is the first issue from the main series where a different art team worked on it. And… it’s not as good as the main art. While the characters looking more realistic and the use of shadows do fit the overall darker tone, it’s just not as visually appealing. Backgrounds are fine, but characters look strange. The best example of this is in the first scene inside the Command Center. All of the characters look so different from how they were represented two issues ago. (Alpha looks like he was literally made out of cardboard).
Regardless, this issue is decent and I am looking forward to the confrontation with Zordon next issue.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- A “mechazord” is apparently a giant robot that’s not powered by the Morphin’ Grid. That was the also the name of the zords from Power Rangers Megaforce… I knew Gosei didn’t know what the heck he was doing.
- I thought for a second Andrea’s name was Angela. And I lost my mind for a second.
- This was released on the day before Thanksgiving and we didn’t get a turkey monster? For shame, writers. For shame.
- I was going to make a joke about Mr. Meowgi’s name sounding like a character from Dragon Ball. And, then, I looked it up and found out that “Mr. Meowgi” is actually a name from an anime. Which now leads me to believe that Finster is a secret anime fan. Writers, can we get confirmation?