(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com or comicshoplocator.com
So, from last time, we got monsters and Putties all over the place, two Rangers out of commission, Matthew’s hurt, and an evil monster-lady walking around as a human.
So, not a very good day.
The Cover
On concept alone, this cover isn’t that interesting. Just a monster about to crush the Rangers. Though, the color scheme does make the image interesting. By having the monster and the environment look grey and dull, the Rangers’ and their rainbow bright colored suits stand out more and draw the attention of the reader, despite them being so small.
The Story
Flashback time. Kim is at a restaurant with her parents who are fighting like crazy. Kim stressed out, takes it out on a busboy for not getting her the right salad. Which, in turn, gets that busboy fired. That waiter was Zack. And that was why he was mad at her when Matthew introduced her.
The three Rangers are fighting the monster and saving civilians (including Billy saving Skull, which results in a cool moment for Billy). Kim doesn’t want to leave Matthew, but ends up handing him over to a passerby and asks her to take him to the hospital. That passerby is actually Rita’s monster lady. *cue ‘wa wa wa waaaaaa’ song*
Rita grows the monster and the Rangers (with Kim now) summon their Zords. The battle eventually leads to the countryside, but without Jason, the Zords are not doing so good. Zack has Billy knock his zord into some power lines, cutting the power in the city and allowing Jason to sneak out and show up in his zord. They form the Megazord…
…and take care of the monster relatively easily. But, now Billy’s worried that since this is now the second time Angel Grove has been attacked, that people are going to realize that this is probably going to a regular thing now. Luckily, people are at the Juice Bar, celebrating because they know the Power Rangers are going to take care of it. And, Jason signs up the five Rangers to be teachers at the Juice Bar, not only to save it from closing (yeah, remember that detail?) but so they have an excuse to be out of the house more often.
Later, Zack asks Zordon why he isn’t the leader. (Kinda out of nowhere, but fine. Why not?). Zordon answers that it’s because Jason was like Rita. Someone who used power for their own gain. In more important news, Trini gets her mom a perfect albeit late present for her birthday. Also, more importantly, Kim and Zack say hello to Matthew in the hospital, except it’s not Matthew. The real Matthew is now in Rita’s clutches.
Ending Thoughts
“Go Go Power Rangers #4” is just another great entry into this series. This issue gives us amazing, chaotic action and beautiful pieces of artwork (get this issue alone just for that Megazord building schematic). Every Ranger gets a chance to shine as we keep seeing a lot more than just their depictions from their TV show. They keep having realistic drama and conflicts that are so relatable to any reader.
Billy’s confrontation with Skull was short but so powerful at the same time. Zack’s initial conflict with Kim was realistic enough to create some real drama. Trini’s gift for her mother was not necessary, but it was kind and thoughtful and does serve as a reminder that this series doesn’t mention a plot detail for no reason. Kim’s conflict between staying with her boyfriend and wanting to help her friends was important, especially when it comes to that twist ending.
I highly recommend that this issue and hope the next issue is just as good.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- If Zack was a busboy, why wasn’t he carrying a “tub” to clean out any of the tables? That would’ve been a good indicator to Kim that he is clearly not her waiter.
- I don’t think all of those people would be celebrating if they realized that it was the Rangers who deliberately cut the power aka their internet access aka Netflix.
- The MOTW’s name is Flog. The only thing he was able to say. Since when did MOTWs become Pokemon?
- Even though the people celebrating was a little corny, I should say, I have seen enough civilians being mad at superheroes right now so this is a nice change of pace.
- Even though I liked Kim’s scenes, I felt like it would’ve benefited from one or two more panels of her struggling with what’s the right thing to do.