“The Royal Rumble” was exactly what the title calls it! It was royal, it was a rumble! This episode was full of action and full of heart! The Princess continues her badassery and continues to win over my heart and respect. From this episode, we also got to see a deeper side from Mick that was completely unexpected and welcoming! The new upgrade to Brody’s armor was, well, FIRE and with the addition of a new Megazord this episode was well what can I say, again, but call it FIRE! The Sentai Footage mingled with a sprinkling of new footage making this a Ninja Steel episode not to be forgotten. Let’s take a look back at the best and worst (you know what I mean) moments from this episode!
Mick & the Lion Galaxy: This was a very special scene because we were able to see Mick (Kelson Henderson) in a real emotional moment as he revealed the reason why he wanted to refuse help to Viera. It was a very interesting plot point for his character, and for the story, to add that because of the Royal Family of the Lion Galaxy his life had been forever changed. He was taken from his home, kept away from his parents for 20 years and sold to Galvanax into basic slavery. So it makes total sense for him not to want to help the current ruler. You would also remember his face in a previous episode when the Lion Ship appeared in the Nexus Prism, he was very distraught at the idea of the Lion Galaxy’s ruler approaching Earth. Hmmm, at least the writers and producers ARE thinking!
Taking On Drillion Once More: The fight scenes with Drillion, disregarding Brody’s Power up for the moment, were pretty awesome. His power-up given to him by Madame Odius was rather amazing as it shot out various tools at the Rangers and got the better of them for the moment. I was also rather impressed that the Rangers brought out their element stars once more, as they were repaired, and used them to entangle him in metallic chains. Another great but hilarious moment was when Levi used his Lightning Mode to shock Drillion and well, from the Image shown above, Drillion got a little shocked.
The Lion Fire Armor: I was wondering how the armor was going to be transferred from Viera to Brody. Instead of her just giving it to him I loved the idea of the Ninja Power Star flying out of the Nexus Prism and attaching to her armor. It was slightly confusing/convenient that the new Lion Fire Armor Star just magically appeared on Brody’s arm (unlike any other Power Star before it) but I still like how they handled it as I said before. Of course, the footage here is gorgeous. From the rising of the rocks from the ground, the fire blaring and the destruction of Drillion flying into the mountain side. There’s not much I can review here but say that the footage is beautiful and the action and music flow fantastically together.
“You threw a monkey wrench in my plans!” – oh the puns.
The Lion Fire Megazord: Using his new Lion Fire Zord Star, Brody was able to call upon the new Lion Ship which was now transformed into a workable Zord for the Rangers; well for Brody.
Again, it is hard to review Sentai footage here especially from a Sentai that I particularly did not enjoy. However, I remember from Ninninger that I did very much enjoy this mecha and now that it is in Power Rangers the Lion Fire Megazord is EPIC! Not only does this Zord have an amazing Lion mode with powerful cannons but it has a humanoid, Megazord formation with slice-able Ninja Star weapons as well! Luckily for this Megazord, Brody riding on the outside of the Megazord doesn’t look as garish as the Robo Red Zord sitting in the center of the Ninja Steel Megazord, it actually looks kinda cool. Plus, he is also able to stand upon the Zord and ride it to deliver the final attack!
How can you not love this Megazord?
Mick’s Emotional Message: Even if you have a dislike for Ninja Steel you have to give it up and respect the fact that the writers and director have a niche for making emotional moments for the characters work. So far in only 15 episodes they have made me feel something deeply emotional more than a few times. In this episode, after Princess Viera had successfully helped the Rangers defeat their enemy she had a surprise for Mick. All the way from the Lion Galaxy a message was transmitted from his parents!
You could see in Mick’s eyes how happy he was to see his Parents (and in the eyes of Kelson Henderson) in that transmission. His parents asked him when he was going to come home as they missed him dearly and Mick was left with a terrible decision as all of his new friends looked on. Does he go home or stay and help with the fight against Galvanax?
Mick made the sacrifice to stay behind for the time being and help his friends with their battle. His parents understood with his mom calling him her little “micklepoo” they were happy just to know he was safe. TEARS!!!!
Viera’s Change for the Better: After her experience with the Power Rangers, and her little gift to Mick, the fate of the Lion Galaxy has been changed forever. She will no longer rule with an Iron Fist, but will rule with kindness and friendship; the Power Rangers way. Mick bowed to her and called her his Princess.
I loved this two episode transformation of the Princess, she truly learned to change and with that I am sure will change the universe and has changed this Power Rangers team for the better as well.
The Princess Will Return: Viera left the Rangers in the Lion ship, which at first confused me, but she vowed to return if the Rangers ever need her or the Lion Fire Megazord again. It was at this point I got happy once more because hopefully, it means that Princess Viera will return to the show again. I absolutely love her character and I didn’t want to say goodbye to her after only two episodes.
Victor and Monty: Sigh, ok here we go with this. So, after Viera had crashed her ship she had lost parts of her anti-gravity crystal that allowed the Lion Ship to fly. Parts of it scattered around the vast quarry/field that surrounds the city. Of course, Victor and Monty happened to stumble upon a part of it as they were just strolling along.
Victor got it into his head that it would be beneficial to getting his 50th trophy to use the anti-gravity crystal in a weightlifting contest. At the end of the episode, everyone is gathered to watch as Victor attempts to lift a gigantic weight above his head; Preston spots the anti-gravity crystal and gets pretty upset but Hayley stops him from interrupting because it would be too suspicious.
Long story short, with the crystal attached to the weight Victor is able to lift it over his head. However, in the excitement, he runs over to accept his trophy and doesn’t remember that the crystal leaves the weight floating there. The judge calls him a cheater, but Victor runs over to try to stand under it but the judge removes the crystal. Victor struggles with the weight and lets it go which makes a huge hole in the stage, Victor and Monty falls into it, everyone laughs and no trophy for Victor. The End.
I will admit I did laugh a bit that Victor got what was coming to him when he couldn’t lift the weight. I guess.
With the last of the Ninja Steel now gone from the Romero trophy, a New Megazord and New Armor for Brody going forward for Ninja Steel can mean great things or bad things. It all depends on how the filler episodes are handled. We all know that filler episodes are coming up, but with only a few episodes before the finale of this part of the Ninja Steel saga let’s hope for the best. I am so far happy with the where the plot is going. Of course, I have experienced some dislike for certain parts in the beginning of Ninja Steel but most of those problems (besides the biggest two, you know who I mean) have gone away for the most part. I am looking forward to where this story will lead!
Until next week readers!