It’s time to refresh your memory of the last two episodes before we fell into the hiatus dark hole!
Let’s begin with Episode 7 “Hack Attack” which gave us another glimpse into the brain power of this season’s incredibly brilliant Pink Ranger, Sarah. In this episode, Sarah spread herself a little too thin attempting to join every club she could think of by creating several clones of herself. Meanwhile as she attempted to do this, one of Galvanax’s monster’s got a hold of her technology and used it to his advantage. We also got our first glance at the Gold Ranger and a brand new out of this world Zord! Let’s take a look back at some of the moments from this episode you may have forgotten!
Sarah’s Plan: Sarah’s plan reminds me a little of Hermione Granger’s plan in Harry Potter, except she’s not changing time and there’s no magic involved. Instead, she decided to make clones of herself so that she could be in multiple places at once. She wanted to succeed in track, chess, camping and archery clubs (which she incredibly did.) I really am growing to love Sarah’s intelligence so far in the series as so far she has shown herself to be a gadget master! She has not only invented her hover-board but she has added Whiplash (which destroys a Kudabot in one blast) to their Ninja Blasters & then invented the very technology that clones herself; the Holo Projectors.
Hacktrack’s Plan: Unfortunately for Sarah one of the Holo Projectors was stolen by Hacktrack which he used to hack and duplicate the tech of the Holo Projectors! His idea was rather ingenious actually, he hacked into her tech and used it to generate giant clones of Galvanax that were sent loose on the city. Giant Galvanax clones that were not phased by the new Whiplash mode in the Ninja Blasters (yet the Rangers didn’t seem to think of calling the Zords, but let’s just say that’s because of lack of footage.)
Mick’s Lesson: In this episode Mick truly showed himself to be a great mentor when Sarah got herself into a giant pickle. Sarah truly thought the only way to get the solution to the mess of giant clone Galvy’s was to clone herself four more times and have each of them take on a different part of the problem. Surprisingly, Mick shows up banging on several instruments playing terribly interrupting her. It was here that Sarah learned that she was spreading her brain too thin, as if she were playing four instruments at once. It’s better to play one instrument well at once, than four instruments at once terribly. The lesson was ended with a hug of the drum and it was quite adorable. This moment left Sarah with a new plan and she headed out to her friends.
Sarah’s New Plan: Sarah was able to come up with a new plan and tricked Hacktrack into duplicating a hacked technology that infected Galvanax’s clones and stopped the attack on the city. She was finally able to realize the fact that putting yourself into focusing on one problem at once is the best answer and is better for her mind. She succeeded! After that, the Rangers were free to unleash their elemental attacks on Hacktrack which left his earthly attacks finished!
The Astro Zord: Strangely, a new Zord appeared before Mick and Redbot out of no where…. and for seemingly no reason,
Astro Ninja Steel Megazord: After Hacktrack was destroyed on Earth it was determined to gigantify! At first he flew around in the sky but then he decided to take the fight into space. Luckily for the Ninja Steel Rangers, Mick had just received a new Zord for them to combine with! The new Astro Zord combines to create the Astro Ninja Steel Megazord. One thing to say about Ninninger is that the fight and mecha footage was beautiful so the fight on the moon was gorgeous. I loved the final attack with the blue ninja star!
The Gold Ranger’s Escape: After the battle with Hacktrack the Rangers were alerted to a problem. The Astro Zord took it upon itself to fly to Galvanax’s ship and unexpectedly blew a giant hole into the side of it! Inexplicably the blast just so happened to be the secret room where Madame Odius was hiding her secret! The man was free and stood from his prison only to run over to the Gold Power Star and steal it , suddenly morphing into the Gold Ranger! Ripcon tried to chase after him, but it was too late, they had already made their escape!
The Astro Zord made its escape to Earth where the Gold Ranger made its debut to shocked Earthlings and to the Rangers who were watching in their base wondering who their new ally could be!
Victor and Monty’s Shenanigans: This episode’s shenanigans were pretty decent and laughable. In the first act of the episode Victor was trying out his archery skills where he bent an arrow that he called his “angular dangular” and attempted to beat Sarah’s record, sadly he just brought about a giant beehive. Hilarity ensued.
Lastly before we saw the Gold Ranger escape, Monty and Victor were once again trying to beat Sarah by pushing back on a giant slingshot to shoot a giant arrow. Victor gave up halfway and left Monty alone who sped right for the target, luckily for their small egos they did beat Sarah’s record as Monty landed right in the middle, hair pointed and all.
This episode had a lot to offer for the viewer. It had humor, it had a lesson for the viewer, it had an introduction of a new Zord and it had quick intro as well of a new character we are going to get to know in the next episode. I also didn’t feel rushed with the story while all this was going on. The whole group of Giant Galvanax was amazing and seeing them all attack the city at once was astounding. I did enjoy seeing Chrysti Ane Lopes get some more focus on Sarah this episode and I hope we can continue get more focus like these for the others!