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The beginning of a new story for the Power Rangers.
The Cover
The Rangers using their Zords to rebuild the Command Center.
I really like the detailing on the Zords as well as how they’re being positioned on the cover. The overall imagery is creative with how the Zords are used and you can see some of the individual Rangers on the cover in comparison to the destroyed Command Center. Not to mention that the lighting does make it look like this is a new day, a new adventure for the Power Rangers.
The Story
We start off with Bulk and Skull’s Youtube channel. It turns out that it’s been months since Lord Drakkon and the Rangers are still active even without Rita’s attacks, helping citizens during natural disasters all over the world. Not only that, but there is a good chunk of people who are afraid of the Rangers due to the whole “their Zords got stolen and almost destroyed the world” incident. But, recently, Grace Sterling, head of Promethea, an organization that helps with relief efforts after Zord battles, did give an interview in support of the Power Rangers.
On this particular night, while Billy, Zack, Tommy, and Alpha help with a tornado in Oklahoma, Trini and Kim retrieve Zordon’s staff so that they can finally bring him back from the Morphin’ Grid. Jason is at the now fully rebuilt Command Center, giving orders and helping both teams finish their missions.
After that’s all done, the team meets up at the Command Center, but only for a brief period before they all go off and do their own stuff. (Zack goes to do family stuff, Billy and Tommy work out at the Juice Bar, Trini and Kim go home before they go off in a joyride in the Pterodactyl Zord and comment on how boring their lives are now, and Jason decides to sit in the Command Center and brood just like any leader should)
Eventually, there is another disaster in Dubai and the Rangers head out to help out as usual, except this time, there’s someone there waiting to meet them.
Ending Thoughts
This issue gives us something we haven’t gotten a lot of in the previous issues: downtime. Given everything that happened in the previous issues, it was just nice to have a more relaxed and calming experience and see some of the personal lives of the Rangers. And, even though this is the beginning of a new story, you can easily tell the effects of the last arc are still lasting for our heroes.
MMPR #17 might not be action-packed, but it’s a well-written beginning to a new story.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- I’ll be legitimately surprised if this government organization, Promethea, isn’t super shady. Although only based on their name, they are totally evil.
- I just realized this is issue #17, the start of a new and important story for the Power Rangers. Coincidentally, Mighty Morphin’s episode 17 was the first part of Green with Evil and a definite major change for the Power Rangers. If this was planned, bravo.