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I’ve been spending the last couple of days going over the last 15 issues in hype for this ending. It’s been coming for a while. Now, let’s do this!
The Cover
God dang it, this is amazing. Do I have to actually explain why? Two Power Rangers fighting in the snow to the death? How can that not be awesome?
The only real downside is that this cover has practically nothing to do with the story. There’s no snow setting, Lord Drakkon doesn’t fight with Saba, and Tommy doesn’t even morph. The cover’s just cool to look at.
The Story
Just to remind you from issue #14, Billy surrendered to Lord Drakkon and Trini got captured by Goldars on steroids. So, nothing good. But, both Billy and Trini pull some science stuff out of practically nowhere. Billy uses the alternate Billy’s Power Morpher to activate Ranger Dampeners or whatever so that Evil Tommy’s (and a bunch of other sentries) powers are gone. Trini apparently programed the Black Dragon to pull an Iron Man and become her battlizer, which she quickly uses to grab Billy’s coin and reenergize the other Rangers’ powers, making everyone back to normal.
Because of this, Rita runs to the hills (or the moon, whatever) and the Rangers finish off all of the super-Goldars by finally combining into the Megazord. Now done with that, Trini uses the energy from the Black Dragon to open a portal so that they can help Tommy and Billy.
Back with those guys, the Coinless (with the Rangers showing up a few pages later) fight some of the Power Sentries left over while Tommy fights Lord Drakkon. (Actually, since he doesn’t have his powers anymore, I’m just gonna call him the Anti-Tommy).
Anti-Tommy gives a weird speech about how Tommy shouldn’t depend on his friends and that the only person he can trust is himself. (Even though this whole time Anti-Tommy has been relying on his soldiers and his fancy Black Dragon armor so it’s kinda weak) And then, he just throws himself into a random chasm… Yeah, like I said, it’s weird.
The Rangers say goodbye to their alternate counterparts and return to their own dimension, along with Saba, who says he can act as a tether to Zordon and bring him back once the Command Center is fixed. The next day, Tommy finally finishes his interview for Bulk and Skull on what Tommy’s thoughts are about the Power Rangers and how they’re a reminder that teamwork and friendship is always the best. So, a speech like this means everything’s back to normal, right? Wrong.
Anti-Tommy was transported to the normal dimension – I’m not even gonna explain how – and is picked up by US soldiers.
Ending Thoughts
This issue? Aside from being a little rushed and the battle between Anti-Tommy and Tommy is a little weak, it was a solid issue with great character moments from Billy and Trini, great action, and a fitting ending to this overall arc.
Now, as to this arc? I still don’t agree with doing this overall premise so early since even though this universe is based on the one from the TV show, I still feel like I needed more time to get reacquainted with these characters. And, after knowing about Anti-Tommy’s backstory and motivations, there are some spots here and there that don’t make sense. The Black Dragon stuff definitely felt like filler and made the whole storyline longer than it honestly needed to be. But, this was still a solid arc overall, building up Tommy’s trust in his friends, and I’m more than satisfied for the next arc.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Did this story arc seriously have a Marvel-style post credits scene?
- I really wished the cover was actually from a scene in the comic. With Power Rangers, there was only like two or three episodes where you see snow out of over 800…
- Scorpina is still in the alternate dimension as well as multiple Ranger sentries still left over. All I have to say is, Scorpina, I hope you stay here and I never see you again. Seriously, she is one of my least favorite villains out of the whole PR franchise.
- Zack’s explanation for not wanting to say anything because basically “time travel movies” is just stupid. This is alternate dimension adventures, not time travel. And even then, Billy and Tommy know about Saba and the Thunderzords.
- It’s implied by alternate Zack that alternate Kim died too. Which is something I really want to see. Her death can be so interesting considering her crush on Tommy at the time. There’s actually so much about this alternate universe that can be easily explored.
- Also, this last thought made me realize something. A few issues ago, we saw alternate Billy’s “In Loving Memory” picture. But, was there seriously nothing for Jason and Kim?
- Bulk: “You take four weeks to film this for us, and that’s the best you can come up with? ‘There’s always hope’?” Try waiting over a year, Bulk.