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Tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy…
The Cover
This is pretty. That’s all I got.
The lighting with the explosion surrounding the Rangers is just so fitting giving all of the explosions that have happened on the show. (Wait, what? It’s a cloud? Oh. Wasted opportunity) The Zords and Rangers all look pretty awesome given their backgrounds surrounding them. But, again, this is just seems like something for a general promotion art and doesn’t give that much about the story here.
The Story
In the underground system of tunnels below the Command Center (which is a real thing in a show by the way), the four Rangers head into the tunnel, under “Alpha’s” instructions. However, they soon run into Goldar and his steroid-filled big brothers.
Meanwhile, the Coinless’s base is under attack by all of Drakkon’s forces. The Coinless’s cannons are damaged so Tommy and Saba go off to fix it rather Billy stays behind and helps Trini protect a “relic.”
The four Green Rangers manage to get away from the mess of Goldars only to find that there’s giant sized versions right outside the Command Center.
Back with the Coinless, they’re losing big time. So, Tommy and Saba use the Falconzord for some extra firepower. Trini and Billy are trying their best to fix their shields, but again no success. Billy asks what’s the relic that they’re guarding. Think of the first thing that pops into your head and it’s literally that. Yeah, it’s the old Billy’s Morpher / Power Coin.
The four Green Rangers, back in the real world, call their zords to help, but it’s obviously not enough firepower and Trini ends up getting captured.
Again, back to the Coinless,
Whoa whoa whoa. Wait a minute. Is that Kat?
But, wait. Before you appreciate that she’s in this comic, the next panel is immediately the Pink Sentries firing, supposedly killing her, Aisha, and Bulk. Now, while it is sad about Aisha and Bulk, again, this is an alternate universe and again, these things are supposed to allow the writer some creativity and no limits on their work. The thing about Kat though… it’s really sudden. SHE JUST SHOWED UP. SHE JUST LITERALLY SHOWED UP. Seriously, she’s in the background for a few panels before this, but this is the only panel where we see her face and she has one word of dialogue. Not to mention she was “killed” by the Pink Rangers. I feel like I don’t have to explain why that’s just so ironic.
So, anyway…
Lord Drakkon manages to get into the Falconzord and disables it, taking Saba and having Tommy at sword point. He yells out that unless they surrender, Tommy gonna die. Which they seemingly do with the Triceratops Morpher in Billy’s hands…
Ending Thoughts
Again, like the last issue, this was great, but it just didn’t leave me that excited for the next issue.
Art was spectacular as always. Action consumed most of this comic (this was just one long fight scene), but it was good to see all of these various battles in different scopes from the ground fights to the zord fights. The only thing about this comic that really bothered me was the whole Kat thing. I mean, wow.
But, even though I feel that this issue is better in a trade, reading all of this together, this was still a fun issue and does keep you interested enough to look for the next issue.
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- You guys remembered when Alpha turned evil in the original series and gave Zordon a sweet haircut…? I miss those days.
- Besides for dramatic effect, I have no idea why they would keep referring the Triceratops Power Coin as the relic.
- Oh yeah, the Squatt and Baboo stuff in the sidestory is basically them in a dimension with monsters, trying to be heroes. Just like Bulk and Skull. Seriously?
- This issue confirms that every Ranger that was in that giant fight in the Command Center was destroyed. So, a moment of silence for them all if you will or write weird fan fiction about it. You choose how you want to cope.