(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
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Okay, you know what? I don’t care if this is alternate reality or the future or whatever.
Tommy needs a haircut. I’m sorry, but that hairstyle will come back on the day of NEVER!
The Cover
This is really good. While a bit simplistic with just Tommy holding Saba in the air, it IS very similar to how Tommy was presented with Saba in the original TV series and the white lighting on Tommy’s face is similar to the White Ranger’s first apperance like an angel coming from the heavens to help our heroes in our dire need. Not to mention the details on Saba, the reflection of the Zord on the sword, the art style… they all add up to create one beautiful image.
(Though I’m not actually sure if the zord is the Tigerzord or the Black Dragon. It’s a bit hard to distinguish.)
The Story
So, last time, our heroes were in a bit of a pickle, being cornered by Lord Drakkon and his Mastodon Sentries. Luckily, Saba summons the Tigerzord to be the distraction while the two Rangers + flying sword fly off in the Falconzord.
Back in our main reality, Tommy and Billy’s parents are holding a press conference, letting everyone know that their kids are missing and that they want everyone to help look for them. On the moon, Finster instructs Goldar that they need his help to create his newest monster: a new Goldar.
Back to Tommy and Billy. Falconzord needs to recharge so they land in Canada where Saba “senses” that the “Coinless”, the resistance that’s in like every story with this genre. But, Billy and Tommy want to know more about their world before they go off and join the Rebellion.
So, here comes Storytime with Saba:
When the Rangers originally freed Tommy from the Sword of Darkness, this version realized his ego is too big for the team and and willingly helped Rita take over the world. Over a couple of years, countries were willingly giving up and letting Rita rule them all, increasing her power. #MakeEarthGreatAgain
With the help of Ninjor, Zordon planned to create a new Ranger, one that was from all of the good still left in the world, the White Ranger. Jason was planned to receive the powers, but on the day of the Power Transfer, someone was knocking on the door of the Command Center.
A bunch of someones.
Zack, Trini, Billy, and Kim, along with the Alien Rangers, the Phantom Ranger, and the Thunderzords, all tried to defend the Command Center from the attack, but somehow, Tommy managed to get in the Command Center, kill Jason, and steal the White Ranger’s power, infusing it with his own, leaving us where we are now.
Saba explains that he is Zordon’s fail-safe, that the only reason he was freed from suspension was because someone “pure of heart” freed him. However, Tommy thinks it’s a mistake since even though this world’s Tommy is different from him, he still thinks that he could turn into him. But before Billy can slap him in the face and call him an idiot, they’re both captured by members of the Coinless AKA Trini, Aisha, and Bulk.
Ending Thoughts
I literally have no complaints about this issue. I don’t have anything to nitpick about it. It’s that good.
The backstory for Lord Drakkon is amazing, expanding how this world became what it is now and painting a clearer picture on who our Lord Drakkon is. While I was joking before about how he’s just a jerk with an ego, it’s clear that there are still some missing pieces to the puzzle to how he decided to be evil. There are a lot of angles you could play that could make this interesting and I’m excited to see what the writers come up with.
The art is AMAZING. There are literally so many interesting visuals to look at from the Tiger and Falcon Zords to the gigantic Ranger battle. I only wish this issue could be longer so I could see more of the battle and the rest of the environment. But, for what it has right now, it just excites your inner child to the core.
I have never been more excited for the next issue to come out than I have right now. Don’t make me regret this, writers!
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Even with Ninjor’s help, I still don’t get how the Falconzord would respond to Saba. I thought it was tied to the Falcon Power Coin and the White Ranger’s power was tied with the Tigerzord. And even if there was a way, how were the two Zords activated before the Ranger that would pilot them both even got energized?
- A new Goldar? *looks nervously at Kyoryuger*
- Why Pumpkin Rapper of all of the monsters that would destroy the Rangers? It’s like having all of the Legendary Pokemon and somehow Metapod is still a part of your team. (At the very least, couldn’t I have gotten just one panel of him rapping in the middle of the very intense battle?)
- Phantom Ranger technically doesn’t have a Power Coin so he should be in this resistance, right? He’s too cool of a character to just die offscreen.
- I bet no one actually talks about the Bulk and Skull ministories at the end of these comics… and it kind of deserves it. A majority of the duo’s comedy from the show came from physical comedy and their fun reactions from their antics. These ministories don’t have those elements, focusing on comedy that just doesn’t work with their characters. Not to mention that it’s so short for every issue that you just forget about it the moment you read it.
- Let me think for a second… the Ninja Academies and the Pai Zhuq school probably could’ve helped during this. ‘New Powers’ too, I guess. The Zeo Gold and Samurai Red Rangers’ statuses are debatable. Sentinel Knight can’t do that much. I think Robo Knight and Koda are both still sleeping in an iceberg. White Mystic Ranger apparently didn’t get an invite. (In her defense, she’s already been in a giant battle already. And she probably deserves a break or two.)
- Or better yet, the Animarium should still exist. Send Deer Zord. Deer Zord can solve all of your problems. Deer Zord can do anything.