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When I originally heard about this crossover, I thought the idea was just stupid. Just some fan fiction that made it to the limelight. Like a Borderlands / Overwatch crossover.
But as I thought about it over time (and read other great crossover issues like Batman / TMNT), I realized this could potentially be interesting. There are a lot of conflicting dynamics that could be explored between the two teams. For example, the Power Rangers are a team while the Justice League is a group.
Let me explain, see the Power Rangers got their powers (with the exception of Tommy) together. They go to school and hang out together. Ideally, they know that they’ll face any threat, any problem together. The Justice League isn’t like that. All of them come from different backgrounds, have different backgrounds, and have their own unique enemies to deal with on a daily basis. They all have their own lives. Unless there’s something like an alien invasion, odds are they’ll not interact with each other. The Power Rangers are not like that.
It will be interesting to see how dynamics like this are explored. Let’s see how this first issue pans out.
Sidenote: I familiarized myself with the recent DC comics before jumping into this series and I don’t know how this fits into the DC continuity based on the covers. For starters, John Stewart isn’t even on Earth right now. He’s in outer space helping Hal Jordan and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps. The Green Lanterns that protect Earth now are Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz, who share their ring’s power together. And yet, everything else from the costumes to the character’s personalities is exactly like the main books. I just don’t get it.
The Cover
The cover itself is a bit basic. Just one side with the Superfriends and the other side with the Zyurangers. I’m just saying, I’ve seen better crossover covers than this one. Although, I do like the contrast between the sky and space with the two teams. And in a way, it acts a symbol between the two teams. With the exception of Superman and Green Lantern, all of the members’ “powers” were created on Earth, symbolized by the sky, while the Rangers’ powers came from an alien being, symbolized by the stars.
I do have some minor nitpicks. Like I have no idea why there’s this pink glow from all of the Rangers. Or what’s up with the Pink Ranger’s stance. Or why part of Batman’s cape looks like a fist. Or what’s with the random wires behind Cyborg. Though I am laughing about how Green Lantern is not even looking at the cover. He’s flying away because he knows he shouldn’t be here.
The Story
“They’ll do for Angel Grove what Batman has done for Gotham City.” – Ernie
Well, clearly Batman hasn’t been doing his job right because….
“Rangers, you have failed this city.“
Zack is on the ground, saying that it’s all his fault but Superman comforts him and tells him that they have a job to do. We flash back to 36 hours ago when Zack comes to the Command Center late because he was having an argument with his parents about why he’s never around anymore because he’s a teenager with attitude. Anyway, Alpha’s missing and the Rangers go out and search for him (Kim apparently went to Mars for some reason). Zack finds Alpha, but he’s badly injured. He takes the robot back to the Command Center, but IT’S A BOMB!
Lord Zedd breaks in the Command Center along with his Putty Patrol. Zack morphs and teleports Lord Zedd out of there. The other Rangers arrive and morph to take care of the Putties. However, during the teleportation, Lord Zedd and Zack got separated, leaving Zack alone with the cruelest, the sickest, the most horrible monster that has ever lived: Batman.
No joke. This was just pretty awesome.
Zack attacks Batman, thinking he’s one of Zedd’s creations, but naturally, he doesn’t stand a chance. Luckily, the other Rangers arrive to help out. Billy explains to Zack the obvious that Batman isn’t a monster in the traditional sense and they’re in another dimension. However, the Flash arrives to help Batman and Batman gets in his Battank to attack. The Rangers retreat while Kim summons her zord and carries the Batmobile away. Flash contacts Cyborg on the Watchtower and informs him of the situation, asking for backup.
Ending Thoughts
This issue was a solid start to this crossover event. The action was good, the art style matched the tone of the story, and there are lots of fun and interesting moments to keep you interested like Superman comforting Zack in the beginning and the Pterodactyl Dinozord carrying the Batmobile into the sky and Flash is on the ground is just like WTF.
However, there is one issue I have right now for this whole storyline. Having Zack be the focus of the crossover is a good idea since he doesn’t have that much character development in the series. But in the way it’s executed here, it seems a bit – what’s the word? – dumb. Based on the first 3 pages, Zack’s “character development” seems really obvious. I don’t know if it’s good because it’s cliche like the original series or bad because it’s cliché like the original series. Either way, it’s not a good sign for what’s to come next time.
But, until next time – “GO GO JUSTICE LEAGUE!”
Random Thoughts from the Morphin’ Grid
- Little nitpick, but I don’t like the style of the Rangers’ speech bubbles. The one that looks like it belongs on a handkerchief.
- This is Zedd’s first appearance in these comics and personally my first exposure to him. And he’s just amazing. He’s more smug, he’s more cunning, he has more of a personality. From what I have seen of the TV version, he’s more interesting and dynamic.
- I love how Batman doesn’t say he’s not a monster rather that he’s “not the monster” he’s talking about.
- Alpha is still missing. Either he tried to help a little boy and is learning how to play soccer or got struck by lightning and is being mistaken for a suitcase. Either one is very possible.
- Trini’s parents made a quick cameo in this issue, just so you know. Because I didn’t know.
- Batman played the peaceful one in this scenario. Batman.
- Brainiac is the DC villain for this crossover. Calling it now.
- I would make an argument that since this is Season 2, Kim should be using the Firebird Zord, but don’t forget. All of the Dinozords transform into the Thunderzords. She probably just didn’t transform it yet. However, if the writers never acknowledge it, then that’s an issue.
- I want Dr. Manhattan and Zordon to have a conversation. I don’t care if it makes sense. They practically are twins.
- You know that Borderlands Overwatch crossover I mentioned in the beginning? You probably thought I was joking. No. Get to work.