Power Rangers Movie T-Rex & Megazord Review
The new Power Rangers Movie is coming to theaters this March and movie merchandise is making it to stores. The main attraction of every power rangers team is the megazord. The power rangers movie megazord has come with varying opinions. The megazord is made up of 5 zords. The T-Rex is $39.99 and the other four zords are $19.99. There is also a ToysRUs Exclusive Set for $99.99. The combined megazord is a little over 25 inches and each zord comes with a mini figure (Pterodactyl also comes with a Putty mini figure). The megazord is very sturdy and VERY big in person. This is the biggest megazord EVER made. I personally love it. I broke it up into two video, T-Rex and the four other zords (alsong with the combined megazord). Above is my review of the aforementioned megazord! Enjoy, and remember subscribers are always welcome. 🙂