Today via the new website RangerNation.com three new Power Rangers Movie toys were revealed giving us an exciting new look into the movie line of merchandise!
Up first is the Movie Power Morpher and Power Coins Set!
Priced at $35 by BigBadToyStore
“A Ranger’s first line of defense in the fight against evil! Insert one of the five legendary Power Coins (five included) and morph into your favorite Power Ranger! Featuring Lights and Sounds!”
Up next is the Movie Red Ranger’s Power Sword!
Priced at $35 by BigBadToyStore
“An Unstoppable weapon in the war against evil! Gear up for the battle with one of two incredible modes: TRAINING and BATTLE to take the fight straight to Rita Repulsa! Featuring Lights and Sounds!”
Last but not least is the Movie T-Rex Battle Zord
Priced at $45 by BigBadToyStore
“Red Ranger’s Titanic Assault Vehicle. Featuring Missile firing action, explosive sounds and a 2″ Red Ranger Mini Figure. Connect with other Zords to form the towering Megazord!”
RangerNation states the Toys will be at Retailers soon!
What Do You Think of the New Movie Toys?
Don’t Forget, the Power Rangers Movie hits Theaters March 24th, 2017!