After an epic turn in “Wings of Danger” we took a turn backwards to more goofy filler with “Freaky Fightday”. Of course with any filler episode so far in Dino Super Charge the episode was pretty hilarious and worth the watch, however it was still sad that these types of episodes weren’t earlier on in the season and we had to sacrifice for more plot development. In this episode we went back to the normalcy that has been Dino Super Charge which is tiny plot development sandwiched into filler. But, the episode was still rather funny to watch and a good time. Let’s go over some of the more memorable moments.
Snide’s Tentacle: It was so long ago that for the first time we saw the tentacle reaching out and strangling Poisandra! Now it appears again for a special occasion to strangle Singe! This was actually a pretty cool throwback to previous episodes and another awesome addition to Snide. Snide has been appearing to a lot more weak over the last few episodes so it was a welcome addition to make him seem a little cooler to the audience.
I also loved the tiny part where the villains pointed out that Body Swaps have been done before!
As the episode ends, Snide succeeds in separating himself from Heckyl and the plot does thicken with their story. Heckyl returns to solitary once more and Snide is free to work his treachery with Arcanon! I wonder where this story is going!
Another Fart Joke?: Wow, we thought we had it bad in Megaforce with the fart jokes but Dino Charge is really piling them on and I’m kinda getting turned off by them. Yeah, I know it’s a kid show and I guess that’s funny to kids? But eh, we can do better, writers. Why was that fart necessary? There could’ve been many reasons why they needed to breath while inside the crate. Well, the writers didn’t take the high road on this one. That was a miss on their part.
Ivan & Zach: It sure was an interesting idea to pile on a random descendant of Ivan’s on top of the body swap idea in this episode. It would seem as if this may be a little bit too much but I think it helped the episode along.
When they first meet it was a cute freaky moment and when Zach first reveals that his Great Great BlahBlahBlah Grand Daddy was a Knight of Zandar, was a classic quote. There were a lot of memorable moments from Zach including the epic portrait of Ivan on the motorcycle. Plus we learned a random lesson about not tagging public property, lol.
But what I loved the most was Davi’s performance as both Ivan and Zach and how each character played off each other. Davi as Ivan was hilarious as always but as Zach you got to see a different quality in acting from Davi that we hadn’t seen before, that I really liked. He was really vulnerable as Zach, which we’ve never quite see in Ivan. As Zach he really wanted to be accepted by Ivan and that showed in the performance.
The Body Swaps: This part of the episode was the funniest we’ve seen from the Ranger Actors and made me laugh the most the entire episode. Tyler (as Shelby) had baggy clothes, in the body of a girl which sadly was never really mentioned besides the bagginess of the clothes. Shelby (as Tyler) complained about the tightness of her clothes and again no mention of the gender swap. Tyler (as Koda) simply skated around on his board while reminding Koda (as Chase) not to eat too many Bronto Burgers because he worked hard for that body. Right, because Koda is so terribly fat LOL. But, James Davies was adorable as Koda and it was just hilarious to watch and quite the personality change! I will say that I was also quite impressed with the mannerism switches of Ivan (as Riley) and Riley (as Ivan). Both Michael Taber and Davi Santos gave great performances as one another’s characters, bravo to both of them!
Reverse Roll Call: There’s not a lot to comment on this because it is all Sentai footage but the backwards fights with each other’s weapons and the reverse roll calls were fantastic. It was also pretty interesting that the Rangers chose to use their names in their roll calls which kind of gave me Megaforce nightmares but was still pretty entertaining!
While this episode was very entertaining with the body swaps, it did make me a little sad that there was very little plot development. I am sure that the Heckyl and Snide story is going somewhere and that’s why we have been so focused on it, slowly, for some time. I absolutely loved the body swap aspect of this episode and the fact that Davi was able to play two roles at the same time. As I’ve said a hundred times, it was filler but it was quality and entertaining filler.