“Wings of Danger” was a powerful, emotional and interesting episode filled with what we’ve been waiting for all season, lots of plot development! Dino Super Charge took a break from lighthearted filler this episode and instead chose to take an epic path towards the darker side of the story! We got focus on Riley, Zenowing and even a new path for my favorite Heckyl. Let’s take a look back at some of the best moments this episode had to offer!
Creator of the Zords: In the beginning of the episode it was revealed that Zenowing had built the Zords after he traced Keeper to Earth but only having found the Silver Energem. The Zords were built to protect the Energems until they bonded and awakened. I really liked this connection and it only made Zenowing seem all that more powerful and connected to the story.
Zenowing’s Attitude: Throughout the episode Zenowing was very stoic and into his own mission which was something we hadn’t seen in many Rangers in a very long time. He treated the Rangers as if they were a nuisance to him, even not taking a liking to their compliments as he practiced his sword techniques. He wasn’t there to entertain them! This was even more apparent later when he blamed Riley for taking a blow for him. However, it only made his revelation and change in attitude all that better later in the story. The bond with the Rangers at the end of the episode was a better payoff because of this.
Zenowing’s Swordplay: I was really impressed with the new CG and Original content in these scenes where the Rangers walk upon Zenowing and find him practicing his Silver Prism Slash! You can tell a lot of love and thought went into the thought process of how the rock would collapse into diamond or “plumbob” like shape and then shatter completely. That was utterly awesome to watch and made the watcher realize just how powerful not only Zenowing was, but how powerful his sword and technique was as well.
When the Silver Energem returns to Zenowing and he becomes the Silver Ranger once more at the end and the initial fights with Dooming; that Sentai footage is just beautiful to watch as well!
Becoming the Silver Ranger: After Zenowing tracked down the Silver Energem long ago, he found Arcanon and we are shown a sepia fight scene in which it is revealed that Arcanon lost one of his horns in the very same battle. After the Energem bonded with Zenowing he was captured and Arcanon used the Dark Energem and created the dark evil half; Doomwing! Not only was this flashback awesome, but it also clued the Rangers in to Snide and Heckyl’s secret as well! Great story-telling!
Riley Saves Zenowing: From the beginning of the episode you can tell that Riley was eager to learn from Zenowing, being a swordsman himself. However, Zenowing having the attitude we discussed earlier he was dismissed. Riley, however took a strike from Doomwing’s sword for his comrade. Even so, in the beginning this was still not enough to convince Zenowing of Riley’s worth. Luckily, after a few choice words from Keeper, Zenowing was able to see the error of his ways.
This was one of the few focus episodes that Riley wasn’t forced to learn a lesson but was actually allowed to be the hero of the episode and it was a very welcome change for his character. This is the Riley I’ve wanted to see all season.
Green Prism Slash: Zenowing comes to his senses and uses the Titano Saber to heal the wound that even Kendall could not heal. Somehow the power of the Saber was also able to teach Riley a new move! As he heals he rushes out of the Lab and to the rescue of the other Rangers and uses a new beautiful attack called the Green Prism Slash and saves Zenowing from merging with Doomwing once and for all.
Even after seeing it in Kyoryuger, I can’t get over how beautiful that image above is!
Use of Old Monsters: Another aspect I loved of the Sentai footage in this episode was the usage of all the older monsters. While normally I don’t like such a waste of time, it was such a better idea than using the Vivix. It was almost as if all the defeated monsters were foot soldiers this time and it took all the Rangers weapons & then Tyler’s powered up attack to defeat them all in one foul swing! Epic!
Heckyl Remembers: My favorite part of the episode came at the very end as Poisandra makes her appearance and helps Heckyl escape with a detonation device. As he makes his escape he overhears Singe and Lord Arcanon talking that they had found the Dark Energem once more after Doomwing’s defeat. Suddenly, he remembers running on a dark planet, we remember as Sentai 6, he is running attempting to escape with the Dark Energem! He was trying to stop Arcanon from getting his hands on the Dark Energem! In a twist fit for M. Night Shyamalan, it was the touch of the Dark Energem that turned Heckyl into Snide and erased his memory of his home planet and who he truly was.
Heckyl reveals himself and vows revenge, but Arcanon locks him up and amuses himself with the outburst. So Amazing and Ryan Carter was fantastic in this scene!
In this episode we saw the character development of Riley, a change in Zenowing and his membership onto the team, more cute moments with Tyler and Shelby, the defeat of the darker side of Zenowing; Doomwing, and the biggest revelation of all that Heckyl had been a completely different person before touching the Dark Energem. I would have to say that this is the best and my favorite episode of Dino Super Charge and it has really impressed me and I hope that the episodes only get better from here! Bravo!