(Disclaimer: Please buy the comic before reading this review available at your local comic shop!)
They can also be found by visiting findacomicshop.com
So here we are again, once more risking to adverse side effects of too much pink energy, it could be dangerous after all. Even so, I’m going to go head first, risks be damned because this ride has been pretty fun so far and I don’t see any way that this can stop soon.
I want to make mention on how even though these Power Ranger comics have been showing such great success it was still a heavy risk to even produced them in the first place. Sure there was a movie in production to try and restore the original zeitgeist and a legacy toy line enjoying a lucrative profit, but who was to say before this all came in motion that it would not only be a winner but down right thrive in the comic community. And that was just for the main on-going series, then there was this. A story focusing on a ranger who, in canon as this is, passed her powers on and wasn’t expected to be returning to the series.
The Story
Quick recap from last time; Kim has gone to France to re-establish contact with her parents but finds that Goldar’s machinations have enveloped the village and so, to stop him, Kim took on her old powers once more. It was discovered that the new monsters attacking were in fact the citizens of the town and Kim witnesses her own mother be turned.
Deciding to make the wise move of a tactical retreat, Kim goes back to her place and decides that she needs help. Contacting Zordon, in a move I didn’t see coming nor had I even thought of, she decides to contact the other rangers who passed on their powers like her; she calls upon the aid of Jason, Trini, and Zack.
The addition of Trini and Zack into the story was a brilliant move by Mr. Fletcher and I will commend him up and down the river. When you think about it in retrospect, it makes so much sense. Why just stick to giving one ranger their power back when you can give them all back, if only for a limited time.
Going to see them in South America, we see what the old buddies have been doing and it is so good to see them continuing their lives outside their ranger duties. Did I spot Zack trying to teach some Hip-Hop-A-Kido there? I sure hope he was as that would make my heart even warmer. Without any hesitation that decide to aid Kim in her fight and head off.
Jason in interestingly on a mission type thing of his own so he was unavailable to aid in this effort. If you will allow me to indulge myself for a bit, I kind of have my own little head canon on what that might be. At the risk of putting this review to a halt for a tangent, I’ll make it as brief as possible. When it comes to the 10th anniversary special for the franchise, Forever Red, it was a bit weird how Jason had his original Tyrannosaurus Power Coin in perfect use. From In Space we know that the original coins were never truly destroyed, just damaged, but Adam’s use of it came with frightening draw backs, but Jason used his just fine.
I can’t properly credit the source accurately, but I believe the writer of the anniversary, Amit Bhaumik, said that a comic book where Jason had fought an evil, alternate universe version of himself, defeated him, then took the Power Coin. Could it be that Jason, in this series, is doing that very action right now? If so then is it possible that Jason may make an appearance later in the story? All of this is just speculation of course, but it does make the mind wonder.
Since the three are all using the Sword Of Light in combination with Zordon’s power, this will make them all weaker than a standard ranger, but their team work skills should compensate. We also get some new looks for the rangers. While Trini’s suit is much like Kim’s, just trade out their primary colors and white instead of black, I find Zack’s the be the most notable. Looks like our man has been watching a lot of Kamen Rider Ghost as he’s rockin’ the Power Hoodie. Unlike Takeru, I can dig it here.
We also get a mysterious call from Tommy that they can patch into where he was calling for help. Whatever they were doing, they’re in trouble and, for a brief, second, Tommy and Kim converse. Sowing threads for later developments, this is very tantalizing.
In the one move I wasn’t crazy about, as we just got Zack and Trini in powers again, the rangers get captured and stripped of their powers by Goldar. I have no doubt they’ll get them back next issue probably, but it was a down note in this otherwise good story. With the powers of the Sword Of Light Goldar has access to Zordon’s power and the Morphing Grid, so he uses it to create his new war zord, Typhonis. I do so miss war zords in series and this one, while clunkily built, it does kind of fit with Goldar’s frequent un-originality and simple thought, and it is made mentioned to be made from previous zords. And to top it all off, it seems that Sergei has betrayed the rangers in some manner. How will they get out of this one? Find out next time! Same Ranger Time, Same Ranger Channel!
The Technical Aspects
This issue was much more of a relatively breezy read for me. By now it’s very natural for me to whiz through a standard comic book but even more so in this case. This is in no way a detriment to the book or story. When it comes to any first issue, even Pink, I tend to take my time more to get acquainted and immersed into the world and tone. You’re charting new territory and don’t want to miss even the tiniest details in your read through.
Coming off from that effective cliff-hanger last issue this issue takes the energy and is in a constant forward momentum through the end and it is a fun ride to be on. It’s a good move to keep the real world buzz going but luckily it just skirts the line of being forgettable one-in-done bite that you enjoy and move on from.
Let’s talk about characters for a bit, in particular Zack. If you have read my previous review of MMPR #5 I made my feelings clear that the Zack in that story didn’t feel like the character that I knew him to be. I do not have that problem here. In this story, Zack smiles, he seems like he’s having fun, being the full of joy guy I admired him to be in the original series and that makes me happy. Kim and Trini feel on the mark here as well.
My feelings on the art are roughly the same as last issue, but I feel better acclimated to it now and I didn’t spot anything noteworthy to disparage so I’m giving it a good pass. If you haven’t already, go pick up this issue to continue on with the story, you won’t regret it.
Dear Zordon In The Great Beyond
With Zack’s new duds please tell me he isn’t going to die and get revived about four times each in this story. I don’t think I could take that.
I’m going to take this to mean that Sergei won’t be the new boy that Kim traded in Tommy for. You are a wise creator in deed my lord, and I shall never question your judgement again. Amen.