Legacy Ninja Megazord
Special Thanks To TokuNation & RangerCrew For Coverage & Photos
Check Out Our Friends Over At TokuNation For EPIC Hi-Res Images of All The Toys Below!
Thanks To TokuNation & RangerCrew, we have our first looks at some upcoming Legacy merchandise!
This includes some MMPR, Ninja Storm & In Space Figures complete with a buildable Dino Megazord, Astro Megazord & Storm Megazord!
As we’ve reported in past articles, each of the Legacy Figures comes with a part that when combined becomes the series Megazord!
As always please visit our original sources listed above for more amazing images, but below are some of our favorites!
Take A Look Below!
Legacy Ninja Megazord
Buildable Megazords
Legacy Figures – $19.99
Loyal Subjects
Loyal Subjects are also releasing figures of the Mighty Morphin’ Zords! Including the Pterodactyl, Saber Tooth Tiger, Triceratops, Mastodon & Tyrannosaurus Zords!