Entertainment Weekly released an interview with Becky G (Trini) where she discussed her fight scenes with Elizabeth Banks (Rita Repulsa) in the new Power Rangers Movie!
Along with the short interview they also released the powerful image above where Rita attempts to play mind games on whom she thinks is the weakest link in the Rangers!
The image shows Rita’s claws around Trini’s neck and a huge crack in the wall behind her! Here is a small sample of the interview:
Rita’s attack even cracks the wall behind Trini. What was it like filming the fight?
When we did our blocking, our run through, Elizabeth and I really wanted& to make it fun, to make this scene as real as possible. Actually, I got to run through the wall a couple of times. I got thrown up against it and I got to break it myself. My stunt double of course was there, talking me through it, but I was really, really excited. It was a bit intimidating for me because, you know, it’s Elizabeth! I look up to her a lot as an actress, so getting to work one on one with her is really cool. I learned a lot, and there were moments when I had to hit her, and I was like, “Oh my God, I hope I don’t actually hit her!” She really let me be hands on in a lot of the fighting, so it was cool.
Read the full interview by clicking here!