Let’s be real, This episode was filled with a lot of confusing moments and continuity issues but at its heart was still a good time! We get new modes, a power-up and a few epic fight scenes before the unraveling of the plot begins! Introduced here are two issues with the Energems that seem to be solved quickly. Is this realistic within the show? Let’s find out with some of my favorite moments!
The Plan: I found Singe’s plan to be quite effective against the Rangers. It was one of the few plans, even though it still didn’t last very long, that seemed to really scare the Rangers and bring out their courage a little more! Plus the unmorphed fight without their Energems was great!
James & The Other Rangers: I have to tell you, I hated this scene. I am not sure if it was the actor who played James or if it was just the writing/acting of the scene. It seemed so forced I almost wanted to fast forward through the scene. It didn’t seem real and instead felt pushed on the audience. However, Koda was shirtless so I barely paid attention!
The Aqua Energem: While I enjoyed the back story of how James found the Aqua Energem, it too rose more questions. If he found the Aqua Energem 10 years ago in 2006, how come he didn’t help in the Legendary Battle? Meet other Rangers? OR DID HE? So many stupid fan questions arise from something like that, so it would’ve been best to shelve that idea. But here we are.
Gold Ranger Super Dino Drive: I am a sucker for these original cockpit scenes and when the Gold Ranger took over the Super Dino Drive Saber it looked pretty damn cool!
Losing their Powers: Acting on par here, especially with Ivan and Tyler who truly look distressed that they can’t be Power Rangers any more. But can we talk about Shelby’s epic kick just prior to this scene? EPIC!
Cracking Energem: The idea of the Energem cracking was an interesting way to show that the Energems are not all-powerful and it created an excellent boundary to morphing for both the Red Ranger and others in the future! It was an actual real threat that was not coming from a villain like the green binders.
Triple Morph: Watching these 3 morph and then subsequently fight alongside each other was fantastic and I hope we see more fight scenes like this! I love when Kendall takes the lead!
Tyler Under Pressure: Usually a little funny in Power Rangers, I actually rather enjoyed the scenes with Tyler struggling inside of the volcano! Flames and a Red filter can apparently go a long way! Plus, just the idea that Tyler went inside a live volcano, while it made little sense, was pretty cool and awesome!
Stack Em Up: The Rangers tried out a new formation with Tyler missing and it was beautiful to watch!
T-Rex Super Charge Formations: While it was really really long and drawn out I still like the usage of these formations in the show! I am severely surprised there weren’t figures for every form!
Goodbye Selfie: I did like this part however, at least with all these Rangers around the Aqua Ranger will be searching for the Silver Energem. This was a great way to make use of his character which in this episode didn’t seem to have a place.
Final Thoughts
“Forged Under Fire” like many of its Dino Super Charge predecessors suffered from a lack of pace. A lot happened in this episode and it did seem a little squished into the episode a long with what Tyler is experiencing with his Dad. The others took a back seat once more as Tyler and his Father took center stage. However, Kendall and Prince Phillip finally got a moment along with James which made up for that tiny blunder.
Sadly, without the beautiful footage and new weaponry this episode may have gotten a lower score. The footage makes this episode beautiful, especially the original footage which I cannot get enough of!
Story: 7/10
Action: 10/10
Writing: 7/10
All Together: 8/10