It was the moment we had all been waiting for; Tyler is finally reunited with his father AND the Aqua Ranger has joined the team! While the first half of the episode dragged somewhat it still was a triumph and a wonder when Tyler is reunited with his Dad!
Let’s go over some of the best and worst moments in “Roar of the Red Ranger”
Tyler’s Map: Tyler seemed to be totally obsessed with his Father and has been for a very long time. Tyler, younger of course, drew himself a map of the location of a special hiding place where he kept mementos from his Father.
Tyler tells the Rangers that he goes back there once a year and leaves something; continuing the tradition he had started with his father.
Tyler & Shelby’s Clash: This was probably the most ridiculous and out-of-place reaction in this entire series. Shelby suggests that maybe Tyler is a little too obsessed with finding his Father, risking his life. Something we were all thinking, but Tyler completely takes this as an attack. He yells at Shelby in a stern manner and runs away in a huff. This was another random character change in Tyler that I don’t think anyone saw coming, I personally didn’t like this change. He just seemed to be acting like a baby with his friends.
Red Ranger Gone Wild: I was a little concerned by the Sentai version of this episode being a little too silly but they seemed to make it work in Power Rangers. The effect of the Red Ranger’s helmet roaring at the moonlight is very Dino Thunder in my opinion and I think it looks pretty cool!
Ninja: I thought that Ninja was a really kick ass monster! Zip-zagging around silently and slowly attacking his enemies! Planting the virus in Kendall’s computer was a brilliant idea on Singe’s part and caused a lot of trouble! Ninja will most likely be one of my more favorite monsters this season! I loved his voice actor sounding sort of like a fly and those awesome Shadow Attacks and throwing stars!!
Aqua Ranger Intro: It’s a trope that’s been used so many times but I felt it totally worked in this instance. The Aqua Ranger shows up and protects Tyler, which I loved because it is a very fatherly thing to do. Tyler seeing only a blurry shadow of him at first was also a smart choice plot wise.
James, Tyler’s Dad: Even for the explained reason, the energem pausing age, it does seem a little strange that Tyler’s Dad looks almost the same age as his son. I know it is part of the story of the energems that they stop the aging process, but here it just seems a little weird to me.
I loved the inclusion of the birthday party and the subsequent cave-in that caused him to miss it, because that moment seemed poignant for Tyler. It gave us more emotional connection to them both!
We also learn that James has been a Power Ranger for 10 Years, which would place him around maybe Mystic Force 😀 I wonder if he knew any of the Rangers from Briarwood!?
Father – Son Reunion: The moment that Tyler reunites with his Father was a perfect moment and really was what I expected. I was very happy with the heart-felt family embrace the two share during this episode. It was a little random for the two of them to randomly throw catch at the end of the episode, but I think the show runners were going for a more completionist look. To me, it just looked a little random!
Shift Into Turbo: Anyone else notice this nice little pose? Looks very Turbo!
T-Rex Super Charge Mode: Awesome/COOL & Charged Up! As I figured it does seem as if they’ve subdued the craziness that was the Kyoryuger footage and added their own flare with originality as well! Can’t wait to see what they do with the other forms! Also, thanks writers for the throwaway line that the Charger only responds to Red Energy! The footage is just beautiful!
Aqua in the Cockpit: Just thought I’d share this; even with no Purple Ranger along with them it looks pretty awesome! I can’t wait to see every Ranger in the cockpit together!
Final Thoughts
This episode finally gave us a moment we were looking forward too and also a brand new mode for Tyler! While this episode gave us those two moments it was still lacking a little compared to other Dino Charge episodes, however it made up for it with small moments from the cast of Rangers and Villains. Heckyl and the Rangers are carrying a few of the more filler episodes but all in all this episode was rather entertaining!
Story: 8/10
Action: 9/10
Writing: 8/10
All Together: 8.3/10