Dino Charge, recently in December, finished rather strong leaving me wanting more as the show begins to get Super. While I enjoyed this entry in Dino Super Charge I found my expectations begin lacking. Either it was my hype for the return and continuation of the story, or perhaps my hopes were a little too high? Either way, the return with Dino Super Charge seemed lacking and a little less than Super Charged. It is in the best interests when you enjoy something to be able to embrace it’s bad, good and lackluster parts. “When Evil Stirs” was certainly lackluster for me, especially for what was to be a triumphant return and continuation. Let’s go over some key moments!
Heckyl in Charge: I can certainly say that any scene in which Ryan Carter is serving us up some Heckyl is my favorite part of the episode. Once again he steals the show from not only the monsters of the season but from the Rangers themselves. His quick wit and one-liners are enough to keep this episode afloat for me!
Snide’s Intro: I have to admit that Snide, so far, is one of the aspects of this episode that I didn’t enjoy very much. Heckyl is such a cool character and his alter ego is rather bland and barely stands above any other general of the past. IF we are to believe that Snide is a bad-ass then why was he seriously lacking any badassery? I mean, I hate to say this but Super Samurai had a better New General in Serrator. I NEVER SAY STUFF LIKE THAT.
Later in the episode, Snide mentions that the Energems are of his past, present and future! Let’s hope the story of Snide and the Energems can help this severely lacking and boring villain. Heckyl is his only interesting part at this point.
Wrench, Poisandra & Curio: I was so happy that at least Poisandra, Wrench and Curio survived the crash of the ship. It was noted on the side that Sledge didn’t survive. In true lacky fashion these villains began to serve Master Snide right off the bat which certainly didn’t phase me. Plus, the snack time scene with the cupcakes was just to cute for words! I am happy that we will get to see more of these guys!
Monster Cells: It’s been a fun staple of previous episodes and luckily for us it’s continuing to seep into Dino Super Charge. Many monsters can be seen inside of the cells and this episode showcased this monster who has the head of an old Venjix Attack Bot!
Heckyl’s Pocket Watch: How cool was this idea? I actually rather enjoy the idea of Heckyl communicating with himself in this manner! I know for damn sure how cool it would be to talk to myself through a watch HAHA! I can’t wait for more back and forth banter with these two!
It was also apparent during a few subsequent scenes that Heckyl plans to trick Kendall into believing he is on the side of good while still searching for more Energems. Come on, I know Kendall is smarter than that! Let’s hope his ruse is over with rather quickly.
Mr. Watkins: James Gaylyn, known for his role on Power Rangers RPM as Colonel Truman, returns to Power Rangers this time as Shelby’s Father, Mr. Watkins. I smell a new story line growing from this interaction. It seems to me that Shelby’s father is going to be the kind of parent who pushes her into something she doesn’t really have a passion for. Clearly, Shelby is into paleontology but for some reason her father wants her in a more serious profession. Business or something.
I am pretty happy with this new story line so Shelby has something else to do besides smirking at Tyler all day. But, I can’t blame her, can you?
Koda’s Fear of Ice: I was so happy that during this episode we delve deeper into the backstories of the Rangers. We finally learn how Kendall, and Chase, found Koda frozen in a giant block of ice after his heroic fall. With the Dino Blaze Charger he was unfrozen and now has a totally rational fear of Ice. Now, I definitely accepted this more so than Antonio’s irrational fear of fish.
Koda, again is the one to watch during a Dino Charge episode. Yoshi’s facial expressions and child-like presence is a wonder to watch!
Disappearing Rangers: Now this is where it gets confusing. Koda reveals that he had previously escaped Iceage’s Ice Cubing when he released himself from his hoodie and jumped to safety. So, the Rangers use the same idea and trick Snide into thinking they were inside of the suits as he turned them to ice. Now, I know this is Power Rangers but what the actual f*ck? That was far-fetched even for Power Rangers, but ok.
Snide’s Original Footage: One thing that can be said for this episode is that I love Snide’s original footage. Even though most of the time I was uninterested in what Snide was saying, but it was still glorious to see all this original footage. Remember Ranger Fans, Snide’s Sentai counterpart doesn’t exist in the source material, besides the Dino Team Up Movie, so all of his scenes are original. I love this idea, but I wish he was handled in a different way. I don’t get menacing from him at all.
Kendall Lead Morph: Females are strong as hell! Well, Females leading a Ranger team is always a favorite of mine and the morph sequence with Kendall leading was fantastic. I am still waiting on epic individual morphs but I have accepted it most likely won’r happen. But, it was great to see Kendall gung ho on fighting the monster of the day! Plus all of the footage of the Purple Ranger kicking butt was enough to get the blood flowing! It’s great to have Kendall on the team now!
The Magna Beam: Well, now it bounces off a satellite for some reason…..
The Beginning of the End: Suddenly, a Prince Phillip appears! The ending, unlike the rest of the episode, seemed like it was a kick start to the rest of the season. With all of the Rangers re-assembled it’s time to kick some butt. Snide is the newest villain however, the talk of him was rather low. What a pitiful intro to a new villain. In my opinion anyways.
One last note, what is up with that terrible new font randomly showing up?? lol.
Final Thoughts
As stated many times throughout this review, this may be one of my lower scored episodes based on all the other entries we’ve had so far. This episode was, with lack of a better word, lackluster. It felt like filler and not a premiere, hell I even compliment Super Samurai over this episode and that never happens.
Snide is supposed to be hugely menacing, a new threat and immensely powerful and instead we got a General-esque monster who was outwitted, outsmarted and tricked by the Rangers in their first intro to him. Not only that, but did the Rangers even give a crap who he was or why he was there continuing Sledge’s work? Then we got this whole story line where Heckyl is tricking Kendall and joining the staff at the Dino-Byte Cafe. How long is that ruse going to go on for before Kendall wises up?
Well, Snide is going to have to do a whole lot more before he has my interest. Right now, to me, he only has two things going for him. He’s another part of Heckyl and technically he’s got that cool “Zeltrax-like” monster suit. Get it together Snide.
I’m hoping for more sense from the next episode.
Story: 7/10
Action: 9/10
Writing: 7/10
All Together: 7.6 /10