Ammonite Zord Review
On this season of Power Rangers you may have noticed there are some Dino Chargers that do not have a companion zord. In Japan these zords were called the “Guardian Zords”, which correspond to Dino Chargers 11 to 23, and each had their own special abilities. Bandai of Japan never created molds for these toys and they never got to see the light of toy shelves. Bandai of America on the other hand is know for creating US exclusive zords, and thankfully they did not have to go far for ideas. They decided to create the Ammonite Zord (Dino Charger #20) along with the Deinosuchus Zord (Charger #12). These zords each have their own gimmicks and can combine with all of the megazords. The Ammonite Zord was released in the Fall 2015 line along with the Pachy Zord. Unfortunately, they were only sold on a few websites online and very few of them made it to store shelves. This made finding them nearly impossible. I myself got lucky, I found this guy in the TRANSFORMERS ISLE of “ToyRUS”. I guess some would call it destiny because i was just going to check the price of a popular new toy from that line to see what all the hype was about. I got so excited when I saw this guy, I could not have cared lass about that other toy. The Ammonite zord is by far my favorite Zord from this season’s toy line. One odd thing that did happen was in the first wave of Dino Supercharge toys, this Zord (in blue) along with the Pachy Zord(in purple) were re-painted and released and became near impossible NOT to find. Now I will let you think about how the fans reacted to that one. Below is my review of the original version of the Ammonite zord! I have also acquired the Deinosuchus Zord and a review of him will be up very soon. Enjoy, and remember subscribers are always welcome. 🙂