A fabulous close to a fabulous season! I honestly could not have asked for a better ending to this half of Dino Charge, nor could I be more excited for the return of Dino Super Charge! This episode had everything you could possibly want! We got unmorphed Rangers in the cockpit, a fight between Keeper & Sledge, A New Ranger AND a new Megazord combination. All in all this finale felt like a real finale and a good stopping place to prepare us for what is to come in Super Charge next year! So, Let’s go over some of my favorite moments!
Poisandra Has Had It: I found it rather hilarious that Poisandra had finally had it with Sledge and almost left him! Also, how cute is her luggage?!
The Get Bot: A rather brilliant idea on Kendall’s part was the Get Bot which served as a means to seek out Energems. Clearly, this little guy did more in one episode than Tensou did in all of Megaforce. Without Get Bot, Tyler wouldn’t have gotten the Red Energem back from Sledge in time to save the day!
Sledge and the Energems: I found the idea of a weapon powered by the Purple Energem to be rather clever on Sledge’s part and clearly created a more powerful villain than the Rangers had seen before. With the power of an Energem, Sledge left his ship once more and even got the cajones to take on Keeper after he trapped the Rangers in his purple force field!
Prince Phillip’s Return: I’m not sure if I was expecting Phillip to return for this episode but I was rather happy when he walked into the Dino Lab! A very welcome and triumphant return to the team!
Sledge Vs Keeper: Ok I can’t get over how cool it was to see Sledge and Keeper go at it for the first time! Keeper is pretty bad ass and gave me lots of Yoda in Star Wars Episode 2 feelz! I hope we get to see more of Keeper on the defense!
I will say that it too was a little daunting watching Sledge steal Energems from the Rangers! It actually felt like a serious event with serious consequences. I do love how this season has me so immersed in their universe that I actually care! Whoa!
Greenzilla: Making the main villain of the Sentai into a random monster of the week for Sledge’s distraction. Brilliant. I love it. I was seriously wondering how they would handle this monster in the footage and honestly just using him as a throw away monster was just perfect for this story.
It would’ve bogged down the story a little too much had Greenzilla had more story. Good Work!
Kendall, The Purple Ranger: It’s the moment we were all waiting for an it was totally worth it! The Purple Energem finally chose Kendall to be the new Purple Ranger and the worst kept secret in Power Rangers was finally revealed! The scene where the Energem chose Kendall was very fulfilling and emotional. I think she truly deserved to be the Purple Ranger especially after bravely sneaking onto Sledge’s ship! Also, finally adding another Female to the team was also very welcome!
Shelby & Tyler: What an emotional moment this was! When the doors began to close on Tyler and Shelby I definitely got Time Force Wes/Jen vibes and actually had a moment of gush where I could honestly feel Shelby freak out when she left Tyler alone on the ship! Perfectly acted out by Camille Hyde and Brennan Mejia! Let this ship set sail!
Tyler Vs Sledge: A very intense moment between Sledge and Tyler during this scene. While watching this episode and this scene for example it really does go to show the differences between show runners. Tyler’s fight with Sledge on the ship is how epic it SHOULD HAVE been when Troy and Orion take on the Emperor in Super Megaforce. However, we all know how that went. Still, this scene was pretty bad ass and I loved Tyler’s shout out to his Dad as he flew out of the doomed ship! It really did get wild!
Tyler in the Cockpit: I always love seeing Rangers in the cockpit when they aren’t morphed and of course Brennan Mejia, who is really good at this, gave us all the Red Ranger epicness we could handle. Not only just in this scene but in his scenes where the Red Energem was stolen! Kudos on a great performance!
Keeper in the Cockpit: First of all it was pretty damn cool to see Purple and Pink in their own cockpit and to finally see Purple in Dino Drive Mode! But Keeper joining them in the cockpit added yet another epic flair to this episode!
Gorgeous: Can we just take a moment to appreciate how awesome this shot was?
The Goodbye: As I said in the intro this episode really did feel like an ending to the season. While we know that there are still 2 more Energems out there it was still an interesting twist that the Rangers would all go their separate ways at the end. The Rangers, and their respective actors, really show how connected they all are as characters and as people. Saying goodbye, for real next year, is not going to be easy!
Plus how adorable was Koda hugging his “family” !
What’s To Come: Wuh-Oh! Heckyl is still locked up in Sledge’s fallen ship! I wonder what is to come for Super Charge and I’m getting pretty excited!
Final Thoughts
I cannot just sit here and totally gush about this episode, but that’s all I really have to say. I was entertained the entire time during this episode! I think that really speaks to the quality of Dino Charge, this entire season has been entertaining, full of action and just down right good! Nothing, so far, that Dino Charge has done has made me complain or simply have a dislike for. Now, many of you may say that because of the lackluster delivering that was Super Megaforce that by comparison Dino Charge may look a little better. Now, you may be right but putting Dino Charge up against previous seasons I think that Dino Charge will go down as one of the best seasons Power Rangers has to offer, for both old and new fans!
I simply cannot wait for Dino Super Charge!
Story: 10/10
Action: 10/10
Writing: 10/10
All Together: 10/10